KATRINA: Who the hell are you?
ANDREW: Um, your masters?
KATRINA: My what?!
JONATHAN: Where'd you put it?!
ANDREW: You had it last!
KATRINA: Are you kidding me?!
WARREN: Get the Dampener!
KATRINA: You were gonna share me with these two dorks?!
ANDREW: Hey! We're supervillains!
Buffy Season 6 Episode #113: "Dead Things"~~
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[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
[Chaptered Fiction]
- Salvage My Heart, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, G) by SzmattyCat
- A Series of Fortunate Betrayals, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, M) by the_big_bad
- Brutal Honesty, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, M) by EnchantedWillow
- Ripples, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen
- How To Be A Heartbreaker, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxine Eden
- How To Be A Heartbreaker, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxine Eden
- Vampire Whxre, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by ClowniestLivEver
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[Fandom Discussions]
- still thinking about the boom studios angel comics. by xaeyrnofnbe
- If Buffy were turned into a Vampire by dalekofchaos
- A lot of people don’t seem to know this, but it’s important so maybe they should. by coraniaid
- Sometimes I just want a Spike & Dawn found family fic by kpchrs
- Anyway, I’ve been rewatching the Kennedy episodes of Buffy by coraniaid
- Which one do you prefer Angel/Angelus or Spike? by goblins-riddles-or-frocks
- Buffy, I love you dearly...but please, please, please stop projecting your own self-loathing onto the people around you by thornfield13713
- Points to the writers of Buffy, they really got the real truth of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by thornfield13713
- Yup, Mr Platt is now dead by thornfield13713
- This scene between Buffy and Giles is great by thornfield13713
- Okay, chaining Angel up, good first step. by thornfield13713
- Holy shit, Mr Moseby! by thornfield13713
- Also! Faith and Buffy having girl-talk and bonding. by thornfield13713
- I do love this episode starting with Willow reading to Oz-the-werewolf in his cage. by thornfield13713
- every time spike watches buffy eat or feeds her himself in a fic I’m just like yeah…. by camellcat
- I do get why people don’t like season 6 of buffy but, god. by stormtide-leviathan
- Spike’s character arc in Buffy the Vampire Slayer Parts 2, 3, and 4 by pearlofthewoods
- It’s been like six years since I first watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer by selfconfessedfangirl
- Oh, come on, you sore antis! Buffy was clearly head over heels for Spike from Season 5 to Season 7. by watermelonrindsstuff
- I’ve come up with a mirror universe for the Scoobies in Buffy by dalekofchaos
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