Hands as Words [Chapter 8] Final -Part 2-

Sep 28, 2015 12:59


Jun was prepared already.

Prepared for the day Shizuka texted him saying [Come to my place, I have to tell you something]. Jun left what he was doing and walked down the street with a smile, because he had his answer ready.

Shizuka opened the door, and a heavy weight dropped on her chest when she saw Jun’s smiling face. He kissed her cheek and gestured - Why so serious? Are you pregnant? - Shizuka pinched his waist and walked inside the house “Do I look pregnant?”

- Well, now that you ask, your hips do look a bit wider-

“Jun!!” He reached her hugging her and dropping apologetic kisses on her cheek and neck. Shizuka hugged him back, but with a completely different energy. Shizuka brought him to the living room and sat him on the coach, she sat on the coffee table in front of him, arranged her hair with clumsy hands and stared at Jun in the verge of tears - Jun…yesterday I had a meeting at work…and they offered me a great job opportunity…and I took it - That stung a bit in Jun’s chest, he hoped they could talk about it first, but he was used to Shizuka’s independent self - The brand is opening several stores at Korea…and they want me to be in charge of it…over there…I will be moving there…for nor less than 1 year - Jun remained in silence for a while, Shizuka was about to freak out and loose it, when he gestured again - Then I’m moving with you - Jun felt tempted to close the fly catching gape her mouth had become,  but the confused look on her face was way too adorable, and he was confident on this. He has always been good with words, and now that he mastered the technique of communicate with Shizuka, he was sure he would be able to convince her. Because he knew his girlfriend, and he knew she will be against it. - Jun you can't move with me, you have work, and what about your house?-

- I will quit and I will look for another house once I'm back, WE will look for a new place once we are back - Shizuka’s confused look was back and this time he tried to erase it with soft strokes on her cheeks - Jun you are crazy, you can't! It’s too soon to move together, it’s too soon to move together to another country-

- Non sense - Shizuka was a bit mad towards Jun and is currently easy going attitude. She saw this as a very serious issue, but Jun was treating it with calm and giving her a solution that she was starting to like.

Just starting.

She wasn’t quite sure yet. Jun was giving way too much from his side - Jun I don’t think is a good idea, I’m going to leave, but that doesn’t mean we have to break up, and I will be back, I think you’re overreacting - Jun got serious, and Shizuka thought she had won, but he was just preparing his last weapon - Shizuka... What are you going to do if there is a black out? -

- That’s not fair-

- I know it’s not, but I’m using all I have - Shizuka grabbed her head in exasperation and her gesturing turned fast and imprecise - Jun, Can you imagine how hard is for me to have you saying those things? How much pressure I feel? -

- Shizuka, what pressure? I want to go, I really do, I’m going to quit my job, I have savings, so I can live jobless for at least a year, I could take a couple of courses in Korea that would be good for my resume…see? All good - Jun saw how Shizuka’s will was clearly wavering, he could tell that much from her face - I know you are use to face life by yourself, and I found that amazing, is one of the reasons I love you…but now I came in to the story, so you don’t need to keep doing all by yourself - She couldn’t understand quite clearly why, but she started to cry like a little girl, and Jun hold her head against his chest with a childish smile, caressing her back calming her down. Shizuka hold to Jun’s waist, and kept crying out of relieve.

She didn’t accept the job because it was a good opportunity or any of the sort. She had accepted because she felt in debt with both of her bosses, and they needed her. But of course, the first thing that came to her mind was Jun, and the fact that she will have to leave him. Very deep inside, she wished Jun could move with her. And now, knowing that he will, gave her such relieve that she felt almost an emptiness inside her. Suddenly she felt sleepy and tired. “Stay” She said in a low voice, and Jun kissed the top of her head in response.

Shizuka took a quick shower, and Jun waited for her at bed, going through one of her magazines. She appeared at the door with flushed cheeks and her eyes showing how tired she was - Hurry up and come here - Jun gestured, patting the place next to him. Shizuka hurried and sank in to the bed snuggling next to Jun. He covered her with the duvet and before turning off the lights, Jun called her attention so he could tell her something - Shizuka, you are not the only one in love here, you think I could be in peace having you so far away?...I’m doing this for me too…I just want you to know that - Shizuka gave him a bright smile and grabbed Jun’s hand, giving it a soft squeeze. Jun smiled back and turned off the lights, laying as close as he could to Shizuka. “So, we are doing this?” She asked in a soft voice, placing a hand against Jun’s neck “Yes” He answered and Shizuka kissed him twice before falling asleep.


Two months later

Jun didn’t know how he would fit all his belongings in two suitcases. He didn’t fill them with clothes, he could buy those in Korea, in fact he was excited to see and wear all the things he would find there. It was more about the material things with a meaning for him, his books, his music and all his gadgets, he couldn’t fit all of them in only two suitcases. And now he had to add all the things Shizuka had gave him - Jun, those gift aren’t things so you could remember me by, you can leave them at my parents’ house, and also, you don’t need something to remember me by, I will be there -  Jun only shook his head. Shizuka didn’t know, but there were some of her gifts that he wanted to take with him. Like the beautiful reading lamp she gave him, he needed it. He will read several book over there, and he needed that lamp. Mostly because it always remind him of her, and he had grown fond to it. Shizuka only smiled at Jun’s stubbornness and helped him fit the lamp in between her clothes.

And even with his lamp inside her second suitcase, Shizuka managed to fit all the thing she needed. Jun too, but with a lot of trouble.

Their last week in Tokyo was a busy one. Full of farewell parties, Jun training his replacement at work and Shizuka training hers. Since both of them had to give away their respective houses, they spend that last week sleeping at her parents’ house. And each time Shizuka saw Jun and her mom hanging as old friends, she would thought about Jun’s parents, and how he didn’t told them he was leaving. His sister did, and they didn’t even call him, so he turned the page. It still bothered her though. Jun was such a precious son, how they could lose him like that?.

And Jun, who loved her because she always say so much, without words. With her eyes she expressed more than any other speaking girl he had met, he already knew how much that was worrying her - Stop worrying - He gestured, frowning - I can’t, is driving me mad -

- I don’t need their good byes, they made their decision, I made mine - Shizuka sat at the edge of the bed, pouting. Jun leaved his bag on top of the desk and stood in front of her, lifting her chin so she could look at his hands - That is the last important thing here, let’s check if we had all the things that we need and then go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow -

- You sure you are ok?-

-Shizuka, the only person I need attention from is you - Jun always managed to get her with those words, she couldn’t say anything back - And I’m sorry if I sound a bit possessive, maybe this entire thing of me moving with you to Korea shows just how possessive I am…but I wouldn’t do differently, we can’t go separate ways, we have always been walking the same path, since the day we met - And that was it for Shizuka, she rolled her eyes, dropping a kiss in Jun’s cheek, and forgot about the issue.

That wouldn’t erase though, the fact she was blindly mad towards Jun parents.


This was Shizuka’s second trip to Korea. A month before she went with her bosses and team to held some meetings with the team over there and sign the papers for the cute little flat they rented in a residential neighbor in Seoul. This time they weren’t traveling alone either. Shizuka and two other workers were sharing the same plane, which turned in a big group of people bidding good byes to their respective sons, girlfriends and friends. Jun and Shizuka weren’t the exception. After all Jun was a very beloved man, he had a lot of friends. Thanks to that Shizuka forgot about his parents. “Jun!” Someone shouted close to their group, Jun looked around, finding his sister waving at him, and with his parents walking behind her. Jun welcomed her sister’s hug but still asked for explanations “What is this?”

“They asked me if they could come, that’s all” she answered pulling apart. Jun offered his hand to his father and gave him a soft squeeze “How are you dad?”

“Fine Jun, a bit overwhelmed by all this, so you are really leaving”

“ I am, I’m following Shizuka, she was transferred there for a year, so I’m moving with her”

“You couldn’t just wait for her here?, maybe some distance could be good” His mom said from behind his father “I’m not having this conversation at the airport” Jun said with a cold tone looking around him in annoyance “We are sorry Jun, we are just surprised, this is not very you”

“Well, Shizuka brings out the best of him” His sister answered, and Jun gave him and accomplice look “She does” He vouched, and saw Shizuka in the distance, smiling at the situation. He gestured her to come there. Shizuka took her parents with her, and introduced them to her in laws. Of course they were taken aback by the Kimoto's kind disposition. Jun had a bit of fun with the situation, and taking advantage of it, he grabbed Shizuka’s hand and pulled her away from there, with the intention of go and say hi to Nino who had just arrived “80 dollars just to come here, taxis are thief’s dressed in yellow and green”

“I’m so happy to have you here too Nino” Jun shook Nino’s hand and patted him in the shoulder “And I’m going to miss you”

“Me too J, I’m going to miss your change of hairstyle every single month, and stealing food from your tray, and never have to pay for a coffee, and your insightful comments, and how you care for me always, I love you J”

“Stop it, we will see next week, and you will visit us at least once a month, so stop the sap” Nino laughed stridently and moved closer to Jun “Hey, be a good housewife, ok J?, this is huge and Shizu-chan will be under a lot of stress” Jun lifted a perfect eyebrow and talk to Nino in the same low voice he did “Why do you think I insist on going with her?” Nino patted Jun’s arm, laughing again, and pulled a reluctant Jun in to a hug. “That’s so romantic” Shizuka said in a whisper, holding her laugh. Nino and Jun separate quickly, which brought more laughs - I’m going to miss you too Shizu-chan -

- Me too boss- Nino patted her head, and went to greet the rest of the team.

Jun’s phone rang, and it was Sho asking their whereabouts. A minute later, Sho arrived, with red cheeks, his tie loose and his jacket lost somewhere “I thought I wouldn’t make it, I passed way to many red lights” Sho dropped his suitcase unceremoniously and rested for a bit before keep talking - I thought that since you have a boyfriend I wouldn’t have to come here to say goodbye so often, but what do you know?, I’m glad though, I’m so very proud of you -

- Thank you, and don’t worry, I’m in good hands -

- I know you are - Sho looked at Jun and finally, he felt accepted.

The suitcases were already on the airplane, probably. Everybody hugged everybody, and now the last thing to do was to go through international police and wait for the boarding. Jun only let go Shizuka’s hand when she had to show her passport to the officer. They bought a coffee and sat next to the window, in 30 minutes they would have to board, so Shizuka arranged close to Jun and sipped her coffee slowly. “Jun?  I have a question” Jun arranged themselves so he could look at her and see what she had to say, but she kept her hand around her paper cup “Do you have any doubt about this?” Jun shook his head “Do you question anything about me or us?” Jun shook his head again and added a properly articulated “Never”

“Me either” And that confident ‘Me either´ that graze indifference due to how confident was, hit Jun in the guts.

This is it.

This is it, he thought.

I found it.

g, junxoc, multichapter

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