Jun 09, 2008 20:06
the last time i typed here it was april!?!?
sorryy ellejayyness, guess i got caught up with sitd, bd, xangerness, and [[most recentlyy]] a chinese yahoo!blog. i know. blogcrazyy. but it's onlyy so that little parts of me can be found all over the world wide web instead of in one isolated location.
anywayy, where to begin??
met someone new, a lot of someone news. but this someone new has changed myy heart, somehow. (= 1750 on myy first time taking the stupid sats. sucking horriblyy at precal. had myy first tarot reading from random bipolar ladyy at ucberkeleyy yesterdayy. been asked out byy semi-retard guyy in p.e.
&yea. that's all i can manage to remember right now...
OHWAIT. omfgwtfh? natalie? same room during the sat subject tests?!?! i guess it was good for me. i had been thinking about her a whole bunch latelyy. considering her birthdayy was june third. &the dayy before sats, roses byy oukast was played on the loudspeaker during those dailyy school announcements. i don't know what to make of seeing her again just yet.
need time to get things together, youu know?
turned in myy letter to myself in five years todayy. i'm hoping for the best, as always. (]=