This first part is really short: I met up with
rather__dashing for coffee on Friday and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was like hanging out with an old friend.
And now the second part: On Saturday, I went to visit my friend L in Münster, a 5-hour train ride away. When L picked me up at the train station, he confessed to me that things had gotten a bit "complicated". He had forgotten that his ex-girlfriend was supposed to be staying at his place this weekend as well. Oops! I was told that the next 36 hours might be quite uncomfortable since she wasn't the most sociable of people.
However, I was not to be discouraged. We were introduced, and I turned on the charm as best I could to try and make things as enjoyable as possible. Finally, she seemed to warm up to me a little bit, and I was beginning to feel like the next two days weren't going to be a complete wash. We talked about her studies in London, I told her all my best stories about Detroit, quoting people in my flat Midwest accent for added effect. I figured she knew already that I was American and therefore felt no shame flaunting my, ahem, perfect American accent.
"Wait a minute," she said. "How long did you live in America?"
"Twenty-two years."
"Oh, so you're American? I thought you just did an exchange year there or something."
"No, I was born and raised there. Oh God, you didn't know I was American? You must have thought I was being a terrible show-off when I whipped out the accent and insisted on telling quoting people in English! Sorry about that!"
"No problem, besides, it's not like anyone could sound like they're showing off with an accent that horribly American."
It was then that I realized the futility of my efforts to win that girl over. Later on, L confessed to her that he had forgotten she was supposed to be coming for a visit. The harpy Brit wannabe hurt him in the best way she knew how: By smashing his favorite teacup on the floor.