
Oct 01, 2011 14:18

I have a very smart wedding to go to in December and also potentially a black tie dinner in the new year. I don't really have black tie clothes in my wardrobe. I'm wondering whether one of these dresses might work for both occasions. I'd love to wear the hat I bought for my brother's wedding which is purple velvet with black and gold ribbon/beading. I've also got a big purple wrap that might do instead of a coat, depending how cold it is on the day of the wedding. If it's very cold, my smartest coat is ivory coloured.

ETA Or this one:

What does s_y think?

The hat is here, by the way.

E again TA: Have ordered the first dress and may have accidentally added a black sequinned skirt to the bag. I'm thinking that if I don't like the dress, I can probably find an outfit for the wedding and wear the skirt for black tie. And if I do, I might just keep both anyway. We'll see.

shopping, what to wear?

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