Fic Rec: Pairing - Kirk/McCoy

Feb 14, 2010 20:10

- (Going to Add: Rec. - Favorite authors + some fics; links/communities with Kirk/McCoy fics)
- (Couldn't find any fics for the pair for this holiday specifically. So doing a general one on them.)



[ abigail89] [ acetamide] [ affectingly] [ andrealyn] [ atomicskull]
[ blcwriter] [ breakthecitysky] [ briecheesie]
[ canis_takahari] [ cassiejaime (cjs_own)] [ classics_geek]
[ d8rkmessngr] [doktorfeelgood]
[ eonism] [ exiled_mind]
[ florahart]
[ hitlikehammers]
[ inell]
[ jlm121]
[ ken_ichijouji]
[ laughter_now] [ lauriegilbert] [ londondrowning]
[ mijan]
[ r_becca]
[ savoytruffle] [ seanchaidh] [ syredronning]
[ the_dala]
[ weepingnaiad] [ wook77]
[ zinfic]

[LJ: C: bottom_mccoy (Tag)] [Recs: LJ: C: crack_van (Tag)]
[LJ: C: issenterprise (Tag)] [LJ: C: kirk_mccoy] [Recs: LJ: C: list50 (Tag)]
[LJ: C: mccoy_slash] [LJ: C: newtrekslash (Tag)] [LJ: C: st_genderswap (Tag)]
[LJ: C: st_reboot (Tag)] [LJ: C: trekfics]; [ (Tags)]
[ (1) (2)]
[LJ: C: bridge2sickbay (Tag)] [LJ: C: kirkmccoy100] [LJ: C: reel_startrek (Tag)]
[LJ: C: space_married] [LJ: C: startrekbigbang (Tag)] [LJ: C: st_xi_kink]
[LJ: C: trek_exchange (Tag)]
(Ship Wars)
[LJ: C: team_jones]
(Story Finders)
[LJ: C: st_ficfinder (Tag)] [LJ: C: stxistoryfinder (Tag)]

[LJ: C: kirk_mccoy (1) (2)] [ST: TOS: LJ: C: ship_manifesto]

Title: "Sub Rosa"
Author: cassiejamie
Rating: PG-13
Genre/Theme(s): Drama/Romance
Character(s): James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Christopher Pike, Nyota Uhura, Spock, Bridge Crew
Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy
Setting/Spoiler(s): During Film/Near End/Pre-Five Year Mission
Summary: (by the Author): It seemed warm and slow and familiar, like they'd shared a dozen of those kisses in the past. (Written for this prompt #25 at kirk_mccoy)
Completion: One-Shot

Title: "Two Men & a Motorbike"
Author: inell
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Genre/Theme(s): Drama/Romance
Character(s): James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, (Some OC's)
Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy
Setting/Spoiler(s): Near End of Film/Pre-Five-Year Mission
Summary: (by the Author): One of the few constants in James Kirk's life the last three years has been his best friend, Leonard McCoy. After saving Earth from a bunch of crazy time-traveling Romulans, Jim & Bones find out what happens when best friends cross the line between friendship and something more after a late night ride on Jim's motorbike. There are good times and bad times, and times that are just plain complicated.
Completion: Complete - Series - Chapters: 40 - (Words: 150,085); (Sequel: "Two Men & a Starship")

Title: "Sooner or Later"
Author: r_becca
Rating: R
Genre/Theme(s): Drama/Romance
Character(s): James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy
Setting/Spoiler(s): During Film/Academy Years to Post-Film/Five-Year Mission
Summary: (by the Author): Jim Kirk can wait for a good thing, if he has to.
Completion: One-Shot - (Words: ~5,200)

Title: "Yours for the Asking"
Author: zinfic
Rating: PG-13
Genre/Theme(s): Drama/Romance, (Hurt/Comfort)
Character(s): James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy; Bridge Crew
Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy
Setting/Spoiler(s): Post-Film/Five-Year Mission
Summary: (By the Author): Jim should have paid more attention during his first aid classes.
Completion: One-Shot - (Words: ~6,500)

category: fic recs, category: pairing, pairing: kirk/mccoy, pairing: slash, character: james t. kirk, character: leonard "bones" mccoy

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