Feb 05, 2008 19:55
My super tuesday involved me not voting. I am not about to declare membership to a political party simply because i want to vote for the person who won my state (IL, Obama) anyway. And no local referendums.
It's funny how this contest has been blown out of proportion. I don't remember it being so crazy with Howard Dean blowing it at the last second to John Kerry. I don't remember people hyping out about voting in the primaries. There was some local referendum, that drew me out in 2004. Nothing else. The primaries ARE pointless. Most of the past presidents were not actually the winners of the most delegates (GW didn't win, Kerry didn't, hell i don't believe clinton did, but that was when i was 7). Boy it sure is super, super that they are forecasting 10-15" total accumlation in the snow storm descending upon us. In fact it is already on top of us, just not quite cold enough to snow, so it's raining ice. YAY