Jan 31, 2008 01:54
McCain and Clinton. That's gonna be a fucking lame ticket, i hope the dems go with Obama, because otherwise my vote goes down to Kucinich, last time around i voted for Nader, so I'm not joking. A great ticket would be Obama Richardson. Good luck with that though, a true african american (someone who is either 1st or 2nd generation from africa, otherwise you are just black imo, they lost africa a long time ago) and a Hispanic male with real diplomatic experience, not likely. And McCain.. well, he is the best thing the republicans had on the table, and since it will likely be McCain Giuliani, that's the best republican ballot since Goldwater Miller (yeah.. i like goldwater conservativism a bit.. i'm really moderate, though more late goldwater than when he actually ran for president). And that is something to be had. Eitherway though, no matter who hillary runs with, if she gets the nod, i will be giving my vote to a third party in hopes they get a decent hold of the vote like Whitney did in our Gubernatorial race (12% of the vote went to him, a green party candidate while only 24% went to lame GOP candidate Judy Bar Topinka, and damn Glabojevich got relected).
While i'm bitching about stupid technicalities and opinions i disagree with, why in the hell does everyone credit copernicus with heliocentrism? Aristarchus came up with that idea ca. 200 B.C.E. and gave a mathmatical model that is somewhat accurate with predicting locations, though distances are way off. Ptolemeaus came up with a heliocentric concept in the 2nd century A.D. and his math is what Copernicus based his theory on! Damn Copernicus and Galileo... WOW JUPITER HAS 4 MOONS! Credit needs to go where credit is due. Like pasta from italy, it's chinese stolen by Marco Polo. DAMN RIP OFF HISTORIANS.