Mar 12, 2009 16:07
my colleague and writing buddy A suggested that i wriote a Mormon novel. or have a character be a member of th church and then put them on some super archaeology thing like to find the urim and thumim or the brass plates. (I had to explain tot him the plates were returned... and i'd have no idea even where to look into to figure out stuff on the urim and thumim save mormon urbanl egends..)
and i kept thinking iw ant to write about vampires and ghosts and zombines and that's not going to go well with members of the church especially in deseret books because mormons dont hold with such things.... like we like to imagine them but that's all they're imaginary... blurring the lines might seem a bit too dark for some...
and how do you create a mormon character without doctrine being oinvolved because if they're a good member, doctrine will be all over them...
on top of this i'm still fighting with requiem., i'm getting really tired of writing and re-writing it.... i want it done and ready tog o and then hopefully sold by the end of the year.
so i went to bed with these things on my mind.
and woke up today still not sure how it's going to work..
but thinking if i can corner an lds market, not write a crappy lds novel as there are far far far too many of those out there -blech - but write a good one.. it could do very well. especially witht he garabage wioth the big love crap out there... maybe paint a real picture. not a sugary one but a real picture..
and then just now lightning has just struck my brain (to quote smee from Hook)
make requiem the lds novel.
that would tkae almost no work. it'd be easily done. it'd fill in some blanks and add some more words for the count... and it would make sense.
so i think that's what i'm going to do..
i finally feel energized about this book. finally. like there might be another hope for it, to get out there and get done and be TOTALLY done with it.