Nov 12, 2008 12:39
i am cold.
i'm sitting here in my hosue, typing, drinking a glass of water because i'm awful about drinking water, eating a chicken sald sandwhich made formo leftover chicken stuff from last night. and wearing one of my favorite sweaters. it's an old chenille cardigan that i bought at rainbow in park city mall outside millersville.
rainbow was one of those shop.. hip clothes at way too cheap prices, so you knew somethign was wrong or there was oodles of child labor or something. i bought this sweater for five dollars. and another, a hoodie, for seven. this is the one that i still wear, seven year later. the back is threadbare. but it is sooo soft, and soo warm. i love it. i wore on night shifts when i had to get up for 2am feedings and the house was so cold...
made chicken broth from some leftover chicken bones from the chicken dishes. enough broth to fill up an ice cube tray. i'm trying really hard to not waste anything. it feels like it's going ot be a cold winter, and we're always trying to save some money. or at least i am. not everywhere but in some ways definitely. hence cloth diapers.. hence making my own bread and baby food.
i've been heloing out with a project called Kidz Clozet. it's a clothing drive that focuses on children, but they have stuff for everyone. i went last year and was soo moved that i wanted to get involved with it. so this year i am volunteering some time to fold clothes and help sort. i posted up flyers and have been trying to spread the word about this amazing event.
i took some clothes to donate and we'll be taking some clothes when it opens too. free clothes for the baby. i'm not going to say no to that. i'm going for the year for her pretty much. i'm 'shopping' for our family and for another... but yeah, i'm all about it.
*thinks my chicken salad sandwhich was too much...*
mailed off two books to customers, and a dvd that i borrowed from someone ages ago...
all of my grades are done. and that's that.... i have a few more weeks of class, but it's conferences and then thanksgiving. and then the last week of class. so not much is left. i rushed them through the last bit because i knew time would be short when we got right down to it.
cloth diapers going well. had to order some covers off of because we need covers. we have only one. and that doesn't do well. you need to have a couple at least of the different sizes.
looking at the bumgenius all in one cloth diaper. nice. i'm hoping to snag some via ebay.
but it's crazy. people bid like 85.00 for a set of three. one diaper goes for 17.00. even rounding up to 20.00 times three, you're paying 60.00. just go buy them new ffrom cotton rather than buying really expensive used ones.
i want to write. i actually said that today and i think i will get a few minutes to do that. how nice.
dinner tonight: home made pizza. tomorrow night.. quesadillas. friday i dont know. it's our neice's birthday so we may end up doing something along those lines...