Sep 02, 2004 23:18
im informed of news that is quite disconcerning. although im letting it be brushed swiftly off my shoulder, id does stir up some emotions i thought i left behind. no. no, this isnt a sucide, death, im emo and sad and sufficating entry this is purely for the sake of information. On the way out into the parking lot, i saw an old friend, Stephanie, i love her dearly and she told me something that literally made me through up my hands scream OHHHHH MMMMMYYYYYYY GGOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!! and fall to the ground, there is no need in repeating it for the sake of once specific person, but to say the least, it effected my day. The night before yesterday night, another good friend, brittney, told me some very disturbing news about some one, who for the of a very dear sweet boy, i cant tell, and also its quite icky. but this too made me gulp, i think my stomach literally dropped, when she told me all of this info. Then tonight, my best friend, crystal, told me about some occurances that happened today, and this didnt make my stomach drop, it didnt make me scream to the top of my lungs, saying the lords name in vein, but it made me screech with filth and disgust. poor girl, my mother feels bad for her, and thinks she dosent understand her own story to the fullest exsint. but i think she does. And then last but not least, there is someone/something that keeps running through my mind as if i were told by my friend that something serious happened, its kind of like my own drama slash informative spread. yeah its driving me nuts as well. Information, Gossip, Rumors, call it whatever you want its making my voice go out, my stomach fall, my reflexs overextend, in the throwing up department and my brain expire early. its a tad bit frustrating but hey, what can i do. its life and i am living it, plus all these different story lines running at the same time kind of make it interesting.
(crystal, i was looking through the french book and "mortelle" means deadly dull, soo after thinking for several minutes i think that "Le Mortelle Sept" or something similar will be cool for seven, tell me what you think)