From the poor, perseMOOted
cf_hardcore -ers...who have been producing an awful lot of stupid lately.
I work with small children whom I hate and one scratched my healing tattoo...touch-ups are free and I signed a liability waiver but I'd like to scare the chyyyyuld's homeless moo into thinking she'll have to pay $600 dollars for a touch-up. Every single comment seems to agree that it's perfectly all right to exploit a homeless woman.
ETA: Comment stupid!!
It's ok to hit a kid that' s not yours if she's misbehaving. Thanks for pointing me to that one,
Aaaaand we have metastupid! ETA3: YE GODS IT'S BEEN BAHLEETED!!! Flame-resistant, eh,
cf_hardcore? Anyone got caps?? Anyone? Bueller?? Aaaaand for the wank that just keeps giving,
caps are provided by the lovely