So over in
fanficrants quitel posts
this diatribe last night about smutfics and innocent children asking about strap-ons. He/She/It switches his/her/its argument from, "There's nothing wrong with people having free will and posting NC-17 fics. ... Parents, please put blocks on your computer so your five-year-old won't find stories about how rape solidifies a relationship." to "I know there are a lot of NC-17 writers out there that can write well...I just wish they used their talents for something better."
Cue "You can't tell me what to write about!" and "It's not my job to police others' kids!" wank.
But the stupid doesn't stop there!
quitel is back today with a flouncy flounce post!
" I am so glad that I could make you all so happy with my previous post. I raise my glass to you, fanficrants. You're my favorite. I'm honored that you would go to the trouble to sit at your computer and comment for hours on end. You truly amaze me. You really do."