According to
readysteadystop, if you write fanfic, watch anime/cartoons and talk about animals in your LJ,
you are a furry. And if you claim to be otherwise, you are in "denial."
This is going to come as some surprise to just about 2/3 of the fic and anime communities. (There's a lot of cross-pollination going on there.) Won't someone think of the fangirls?
It seems very nearly everyone on my friends list is a furry. EVERYONE. Including me. LJ is overrun by closet furries!
Edit: It's not all that bad right now, but I'd like to point out I'm not attempting to give people free reign to dump on furries in this post. Let's try to be respectful and make fun of what people do not what they are, yes? kthx. (I'm going to get shit for this edit, aren't I? *cringes*)
Edit edit: Aaaaand we have an admitted "
troll." (Yeah. Right.) SHE DID IT FOR THE LULZ, Y'ALL! IT WAS A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT!! *rolls eyes*