Mock_The_Stupid - In the OP, Comments, ETC

May 11, 2007 03:50

A post is approved in mock_the_stupid, a community with the ostensible mission of mocking things that are, well, stupid, that mocks the following New Zealand road sign:


Now, I just got back from New Zealand, and I passed these signs more than once. I would laugh, but that's because I'm immature and I find the word "load" to be hi-larious.

But, apparently the "stupid" in the sign is the word "insecure". In the comments, those who do not get the stupid are informed that the "correct" word should be "unsecure". Those stupid Kiwis and their silly word errors!!!

Except, "insecure" is the right word, in New Zealand English. Hell, I'd argue that it would even apply in US English.

stupid_free proves daily that there's more than enough real stupid out there to mock - why the hell are they letting that sort of dreck through over at mock_the_stupid? Is opalcat a masochist?

mock_the_stupid, opalcat, grammar and spelling

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