I know how much you guys love racism Stupid. I mean, nothing brings this community together in a spirit of kindness, understanding, and brotherhood quite like it.
So, I bring you
coflower, and her
ardent wish for a "life-tan" like the one
Karnythia sports every day.
"I realized while typing this up that I do remember that you have the life tan I wish I had sometimes." Because, didn't you know, that's all being Black means - that you got a perma-tan! It's so freaking awesome!
Don't get me wrong - I too wish I had more sun protection and could wait until after age 50 before sporting wrinkles. But I just want that in general. I'm not so retarded that I also want to be discriminated against every day of my fucking life, as well.
It is SO insulting to, as a white person, tell a black person that you wish you were black for the "benefits".
You know, I'm glad I'm not black. Because if I were, I'd be in jail for trying to kill white people who said this shit to me.
How do you say something like that - to anyone - without involuntarily slapping yourself in the face???
coflower - How about, when replying to this post, you take a five-minute breather before embarking on a tl;dr rambling piece of nonsense that doesn't even address any points made, and just think about things. Sit. and think. Then reply. Succinctly. Please, for the love of God, succinctly.