"...You're up early." "Technically, I'm up late."

Jul 29, 2009 02:39

So, hey wow, it's 2:40. In the morning.
I should probably sleep.
I dunno, I just don't sleep anymore. Well. Not at night. Like, I don't think I've gone to bed before 4 this entire week.

I should also probably write up something 'bout LeadAmerica before I forget. I still so mad my photo SD card got fried. I mean, I had a picture of me holding a brain. Brain, man. It was totally going to be my profile pic.
I think my mom wants me to make up a powerpoint or something. I'm going to have to steal some pictures from everybody else.

If I'm going to be up so late I should probably spend this time fixing up my application essays. Which I started in the spring and still aren't done. I'm fantastic.
God, I'm going to fail life.


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