*WARNING* this LJ post includes graphic language that may not be suitable for fucking idiots.

May 25, 2003 10:37

No, I wouldn't normally be up this fucking early, but it was kind of hard to sleep my at least 7 hour fucking quota with dad blasting the MENU of one of his motherfucking Sopranos DVDs. I mean, fuck. Whazza guy to do to get some fucking sleep around here? I'm lying in bed, trying to dream about gunning down some annoying motherfuckers who fucked with my family, and all I can fucking hear is this repeated stream of stupid over-dramatic overemphasized dialog that's just fucking peppered with four-letter words. I mean, is that fucking appropriate? Or fucking polite? Just cuz his lazy ass is in bed all night and MOST of the day- except when he gets up to go to the motherfucking fridge to get a stick of butter and yell at me for sleeping when I'M tired- he thinks he has a right to blast annoying fucking shit when he IS awake. FURTHERMORE, it CANNOT be fucking healthy for a hypertensive fuckwad like him to fucking subject himself to a show that's more or less fucking DESIGNED to make angry those people who can't fucking distinguish fantasy from reality. Which fucking includes him, y'know? It fucking glorifies the male power trip. It can't be a fucking good influence on his fucking diet, either. But he'll never be Italian, no matter how much he fucking wishes. I mean, Fuck.
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