The only thing more ridiculous than the reality programming on SciFi Channel (I refuse to call it SyFy because it's a stupid name with a stupid rationale behind it) are the commercials for the reality programming on SciFi.
So I went on a bit of an adventure today! There was a comic book shop one exit down from my college, and since I'd never been to that part of town before I thought I would get directions and go, why not. I am normally quite apprehensive about driving anywhere by myself that I haven't already driven a dozen times, but the route was fairly simple and I managed it. And I haven't been to a comic book shop in ages, so it was a nice little excursion.
They were having what I think was a Warhammer tourney in the shop, which I'd never actually seen and looks complicated even by RPG standards. Overall the staff was helpful, but there was an awkward moment when I gave the Cute Checkout Guy my debit card and asked if I needed to sign the receipt. He answered "No, you don't have to sign it. 's the good thing about debit cards." And I don't know what it was about it, but I felt like I had to reassure him that I was in fact an adult and had used my debit card before. I don't think he meant to be condescending or anything, but I wanted to take my driver's license out and go "Look, see, I drove here on my own and everything"., while I was there, I...I bought the AllSpark Almanac. And I asked Cute Checkout Guy to order The Arrival trade paperback and it'll be here in two weeks, waiting for me when I get back from Spring Break like a lovely present. a weak, weak woman.
That said, the AllSpark Almanac is exactly as geeky and wonderful as I've heard it was. It's a set of character profiles, concept art, episode recaps, et al - all written completely in-universe, with the character profiles written by other characters and the episode recaps as "Incident Reports" or personal logs. And it's full of in-jokes and just plain jokes and miscellaneous loveliness and it gave me many a giggle. There's a little bit on Halloween as related by Bumblebee and Bulkhead and Bumblebee keeps breaking in to tell human parents not to give away gum for Halloween because gum is pointless.
"I mean, you just chew and chew and then you don't even eat it! What are you supposed to do with it anyway?"
"You spit it out, Bumblebee."
Oh, and then there's Lockdown's profile of Ratchet, where he mentions that "I'm the one that made the old bot look so pretty." I mean, I'm assuming he's referring to the broken chevron and the battle wound, but agh Lockdown why does everything about you scream "sexual harrassment". And then you get Prowl's profile on Lockdown and wow, writers, apparently "A Fistful of Energon" just wasn't quite homoerotic enough. "Maybe one cycle I'll find out what's underneath the black sigil on his chest." Stop that right now I told you I don't ship it.
So, yes. I cannot bring myself to completely feel bad about buying it. And it might even serve as a drawing reference if I ever figure out how to draw robots.
So, other fannishness:
New Doctor Who trailer!
Eeeee I am ever more excited for Series 5. I have heard some people are hating on the lolarious special effects, which puzzles me, because hi, guys, cheesy special effects is kind of what Doctor Who does and I wouldn't have it any other way, and it's not like the past four seasons have had Avatar-grade CG either.
And aww, the scene with them both on the grass was so sweet and adorable and full of wonder and I hope it is indicative of Eleven and Amy's relationship in the show. The Doctor pointing out the stars to his companion is one of my favorite devices for showing the scope and history of the Doctor's adventures and one I've used several times myself, so I'm pleased with its inclusion here. And "Where do you want to start?" Eeeeeee.
Mostly, I am well pleased at how calm and...less-intense Eleven seems to be. Some of Matt Smith's comments before I saw his performance made me worried that he'd just be playing Ten mk. II, and this trailer helps put those fears to rest. It'll be nice having a distinctly different Doctor, who's less amped-up all the time. I hope my relief is justified.
Also Amy's boots! They are lovely lovely boots. I have a good history of liking companions in miniskirts and boots.
And now it is late and I should head to bed again so I can get work done tomorrow. I do things with my life besides fandom, I promise I do. But today was a productive day, all in all, so I can't complain.