(no subject)

Feb 05, 2009 02:09

It's probably been about a bajillion years since I've posted any of my creative writing, but here's the first few things I've done for my Fan Fiction course and my Screenwriting course this semester.

This had to be exactly 100 words, and we had to include the word black

Bad Dream

Kennedy watches Willow sleeping in bed beside her. The moon casts a bluish light into their room, illuminating the pair. Kennedy had seen this before during their short relationship. It always starts the same -trembles becoming tossing and turning. Soon the mumbling begins. Kennedy catches a couple names from the incoherent mumbling - Tara and Warren.

Willow’s tossing and turning becomes more violent, worse than Kennedy has ever seen. She turns on the bedside lamp and grabs Willow’s shoulder, waking her up. For an instant, Willow’s eyes flash pure black.

“Will, you ok?” she asks.
“Hey, yeah,” Willow replies. “Bad dream.”

We had to write a character sketch. A scene, an interview, a description, whatever we wanted to show some key aspect of one of our favourite characters.

Death and Taxes

Anya, standing at the cash register of the Magic Box, holds a wad of cash tightly to her chest. “It’s my money! I earned it and it’s mine! Glorious Capitalism!” she shouts.

“It’s income tax Anya - it’s the law,” Giles calmly explains as he cleans his glasses. “Everyone has to pay it.”

“But I have plans for the money already,” Anya retorts, “my wedding! Do you have any idea the cleaning bills we’ll have to pay for a chapel half full of demons? And then there’s Xander’s disgusting kin.”

“Sitting right here hun, “ Xander says, turning around from the nearby table. “The wedding’ll be fine so long as you’re there, and you’re not going to be if you’re all Al Capone’d for tax evasion,” he says. Standing up and walking to the counter he tells her, “it’s like they always say - the two sure things in life are death and taxes.”

Anya’s eyes light up as she squeezes the money tighter. “So we need to kill the politicians!” she yells.

A 1 minute script that had absolutely no dialogue


DAVID (25) enters the market through the main entrance. He is wearing a buttoned-up shirt tucked into his black pants. Though smiling, his face is somewhat flushed.

He approaches a flower stand while checking his watch. After looking at the various displays, he picks a single red carnation. He takes the flower to the cashier, fishes in his pocket for his money, and hands the cashier a toonie.

David then leaves the flower stand and walks through the market to the coffee shop. He fishes for change again and then hands the waitress a $5 bill. She hands him his change and a tray with two cups of coffee.

David takes the tray in his free hand, leaves the coffee shop, and heads towards a free table.

He sits down at the table and removes the cups of coffee from their tray. He checks his watch again, then double checks the time on his cell phone. He looks around at the other tables and examines the rest of the market from his seat.

He sighs and turns his attention back to the coffees. He opens the lid of one and takes a sip. His foot is rapidly tapping under the table.


David is still sitting at the table. He is no longer smiling. His coffee cup is empty and the lid and upper half of the cup are in ripped up pieces on the table. He checks his watch and then looks around the market again.

He sighs and stands up from the table. He leaves the second coffee on the table, takes the flower, and heads towards the exit. Before he passes through the door he tosses the flower in the garbage can beside the door.

As David leaves the building, a girl with frazzled red hair runs into the seating area from the opposite side of the market. She is gasping and trying to catch her breath as she examines the people sitting at the tables.
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