Oct 06, 2004 11:11
As copied from my letter to Kufner:
We went to the society fair today for cambridge to check out the martial arts selections, and there are quite a few! There were in all 13, including:
-familiar stuff: Shotokan, Taekwondo
-grappling stuff: Aikido, Judo, Jui Justu
-Wu Shu Kwan (not like the Wushu we think of, it's a classical chinese kickboxing arts I guess)
-Wing Tsun Kung Fu (looks interesting, lots of trapping hands, I guess it's also taught to FBI, GSG9 and RAID units) www.cambridgekungfu.com
-Tai Chi Chuan (hand forms, weapons forms, push hands, and self defense applications) www.cam.ac.uk/taichi
-Ninjutsu (you have to look at the website... Make sure to look at the last line, and the addendum on the far left!) www.bujinkancambridge.com
-Systema - a russian self-defense thing they do sunday seminars on - ever heard of it?
-Kendo (which I think we're going to have to do, they do sparring and Kata!)
-and lastly, Capoiera with a Professor who is a student of Meistre Gato (who comes a few times a year). Gato apparently is the first student of the three brothers Paulo, Raphael, and Gilberto, who trained with both Meistres Bimba and Pastinha. He also founded Grupo Senzala, which I think you've seen videos of!
I'm not sure what all I'll be able to make, or even which ones will let me join. We're currently thinking of doing Kendo and Capoiera together (almost for sure). We're also probably going to look at the Shotokan to see if it's worth doing, plus we'll probably stop by sparring sessions with TKD and Shotokan every now and then. I'm thinking about trying to squeeze in the Wing Tsun as well if I can, but we'll see how time works out!