I finally have access! Woot!

Oct 05, 2004 17:22

I now officially have a place to check my mail! Yay! This also means I can much more successfully search for a job, having internet access and all. Life's been pretty crazy around here. I miss everyone back home greatly. I still have no place to train (although I have done a few workouts on my own in the park, which never fails to attract the crazies). I'm going crazy from the inactivity.

Some fun things about the UK - they have Games Workshop stores, tons of eateries, and nice senery. We also got to see a silver fox raiding a dustbin. They're apparently nussainces here, like Raccoons are at home. One girls said she has about 4 that live around her appartment and make tons of racket every night. I still think it was pretty cool, not having seen one from 10 feet away before. It wasn't very shy or apologetic either.

Other than that, we're having our international dinner tonight. I was supposed to cook something "American", so I made up some Chicken with Dr. Pepper BBQ sauce and some bell peppers as well. I did have to cook it in the oven since we don't have a grill here, but I think it turned out just fine anyway. I made an assload of sauce and a bunch of chicken as well, so I imagine I'll be sick of poultry in no time.

Well sadly I think that's about all I have to report for now. They should have a campus club shindig tomorrow so I'll hopefully get to check out capoiera, wu shu, kung fu, and karate clubs tomorrow. I may also check out the rowing club or something. I feel like I'm wasting away here, which is odd because I'm considered a "Big guy" here, at 85kg. Most of the women are very slight, ranging from about Erika to Jane in size on average. Guys in general are between Eli and Mike's size. Well, anyway, I best be going.

Miss you and love you all,
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