Jun 26, 2005 13:54
here i am in Amsterdam on a beautiful summer. i could be out by the canals. or in that crazy dude's coffee shop playing chess. or even doing some light sightseeking. but i choose to update a nearly dead livejournal. why? a couple reasons. firstly Amsterdam is probably the best city i've ever visited in that i don't feel a huge obligation to "vacation" when i'm here. you can see the sights if you want. you can go get shit faced all night long in the red light if you want. i've done both but mostly i think the city is to be enjoyed in a more laidback manner. like a long breezy picnic with drugs. the second reason is a general sense of re-entry into staying in touch with friends new and old. with the huge amount of change that's been going on in my life and now the traveling i feel a reoccuring sense of loss for things that maybe shouldn't get lost.
in other news pineapples are delicious.
i found this on the side of a building:
"To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
One clover, and a bee,
And revery.
The revery alone will do
If bees are few"
i offer that poem and Langbroek a small town southeast of Utretch in the Netherlands as a gift to any one who reads this.
i think that's gonna be all for now my clothes are done washing and i've gotta get them back to my hostel. then i think some light snacking and that dude's coffee shop are in order.
(intercontinental) scott kane