(no subject)

Jun 06, 2023 01:17

It's really easy. It's also really hard.
I don't really understand how it can be both at the same time. I just know that it is. It also makes me really happy, and at the same time it sometimes really hurts.
It's all of these contradicting things at the same time. You would think that I wouldn't want to do it. If something is hard and hurts even though it's also easy and makes me happy, I should probably not wanna do it. That's definitely not the case.
It feels like it's been going on forever and also like came out of nowhere all of a sudden. It's really familiar but really new.
I'm trying really really hard. I am a person that likes to speak their mind. I like to be open and honest and up front. It's really hard for me when I can't do that. I'm not used to someone telling me to not be that way.
I'm trying to navigate this the best that I can. It's hard.
But the easy part is loving you.
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