(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 22:29

Title: Memory
Author: studyingstones2
Pairing: YY/Y
Rating: NC-17 for tentacle-smex and weird
Summary: ~900 words.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Yuugi gets it from his grandfather. And it looks like a puzzle and mesmerizes him with its seeming unsolvability, until-

-he solves it.

And the last piece seems to almost pull itself into the puzzle (as if it knows it belongs there) and clinks into place with a soft (terrible) sound that hurts Yuugi's ears to hear- the completed puzzle doing something then that's the inverse of gleaming, pulling the light down into itself and sticking Yuugi's eyes to it by the same property.

It grows warm (alive) between his hands.

Surreal already (is this really happening or is it a dream?) so he does no more than flinch when the gold starts to gather shadows about itself- liquid, twisting things that solidify and reach for him.

Wrapped around his hands (binding him to the puzzle) before he's even registered what's going on- and the gasping, protesting sound in the back of his throat is stifled by a slick, leathery limb that pries his jaw open and wriggles its way inside.

More black, seeking tendrils form and move toward him in the next instant, brushing against his face and mouth and neck, slithering down his (throat) chest, up under his shirt, between his legs and inside his pants and-

that's when he finally is shocked enough out of his stunned disbelief to frantically try to get away.

He manages only to squirm himself off of his chair, tumbling to the ground and landing with an impact that jostles his bones and his insides because he couldn't catch himself (because that thing won't release his wrists).

And so he brings it down to the floor with him.

The puzzle cuts into his hands, but he only holds tighter because that's all he can do.

Breathe. Out, in, out. Through his nose because there are two of them filling his mouth now (working his jaw so wide that spit drips unnoticed down his chin).

And they're more dexterous (and intelligent) than he would've guessed, managing to open and remove his pants within the space of an instant.

His consciousness shifts. Flips on its side. Reverses.

And he's suddenly more aware of the tantalizing brush of leathery not-skin against his own skin than the fact that this is not possible (that he doesn't want this).

And then he’s penetrated, spread open.

By just the tip at first- small and wriggling. Careful in a way the ones in his mouth were not. And it’s vaguely like a tongue (in the boneless, wriggly sense), but also not.

Who? Rusty-old-unused voice in his head.

He flinches away (in no particular direction because it's in his head) and tries not to think too hard about-

More, all at once (when he's warm and slick and loose and groaning for it despite his confusion and disbelief and discomfort). And the tentacle widens at the base, gradually enough that he doesn't realize it until the thing stops and it suddenly occurs to him that he's stretched far wider than he ever has been before (by his own curious fingers).

He's hard, he realizes (abstractly and yet with thrumming urgency).

The voice again. Old, so old. Soft. Nice. Where?

It pulls back then, in a way. Withdraws from his mouth and releases his hands (he doesn't drop the puzzle, doesn't hurl it across the room or smash it or anything, even now that he can).

It detaches itself from the puzzle with a sound that's an absence of sound.

And just when Yuugi's finally letting himself hope that maybe this is over (that he can put his clothes back on and forget this and pretend that he's sane), it begins to push the rest of itself up into him.

When? When are you?

He drops the puzzle now. Flings it away from himself and takes hold of the few tentacles not yet fully inside and pulls. Desperate, but uncertain why beyond the fact that (though each of its tendrils are technically rather slim), it's absolutely huge when it's trying to work its whole self inside a space not meant for something of its volume.

Not to mention the slight (tingling and insistent) thought that what if it gets up inside of him and he can't get it out also pushing him to haste. (Though why should he care? This can't be happening.)

I could be... The voice flickers in and out of focus, but hearing what it has to say isn't really Yuugi's highest priority. Take... and until... half of me.

It slips through his fingers.

And he knows the exact instant it finally disappears fully into him, because (there's another mind pushing against his own, firm in a way the voice had not been, and) his body is suddenly not his own.


His body stands and his legs carry him over to where the puzzle had landed and his arms reach down and pick it up and cradle it gently.


He forgets. Starts losing hours of his life because his mind can't handle the knowledge.

And when the Other finally reveals himself, Yuugi notices the curious phantom-sensation of something dark and pulsing inside him (wrapped around his muscles and organs, woven through his brain) for all of an instant before it slips out of his consciousness.

He spends the next few weeks concerned and uncertain (unfocused), until his friends give him their explicit support and acceptance and he befriends the Other wholeheartedly.

He never does remember.


Yuugi gets it from his grandfather. And he comes to love it (him) after a time.

yami-no-yuugi/yuugi, drabbles

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