(no subject)

Mar 18, 2007 01:16

So, the bad news:

1. I'm sort of (momentarily, I'm hoping) bored with YGO?
2. FFVII is eating my brain.
3. Writers block (less in the I-can't-write kind of way and more in the if-I-had-any-compulsion-to-write-I-would-but-I-really-don't kind of way)
4. Very little free time.

Which all basically adds up to intense neglect of this journal and its flist.

But the good news:

1. FFVII is eating my brain.

Basically, I found extensive amounts of tentacle!fic in the fandom which caused me to get the movie from netflix and squee excessively over it (and I've always hated it when people got into my fandom through the more widely popular movie and then suddenly proclaimed themselves fans of the universe- LoTR and Firefly anyone?- but I really got into this through the fanfic and the movie was just the first thing I could get my greedy little hands on) which caused me to find yet more fanfic (ciceqi is amazing) which caused me to shell out way too much money for a PS2 and the game and the movie (and I'm currently eyeing the soundtrack of the game as well) and devote all of my extra hours to playing it and squeeing over the chocobos and Sephiroth's dorky pixilated hair (and 3000+ health points) and Cloud's attempts at crossdressing (in canon) and fucked!up little brain and Hojo (who's such a creepy bastard that I want to kill when I'm not squeeing over his presence) and Aeris (and her dorky pixilated dance when she kills things) and the absolutely palpable lack of Zack and the fact that it's ten years old and doesn't quite look its age but is still bulky and so much more pixilated than anything I've seen in the recent past (and you'd think this'd be off-putting, but it more just makes me go, "Eeeeee! It's so cute and funny!" *squishes*)

Also Last Order is officially the awesomest (and yet sad!making) thing ever. But uh... massive spoilers. Probably don't watch it if you're ever planning on playing the game.

But yeah, don't be surprised if you don't see me around much for a while. *rather apologetic*

Um. And if anyone's interested in joining me over in my new fandom, my (currently empty, but hopefully soon-to-be-not) journal is skeletoncloset2. (And don't ask why I insist upon creating new journals for each fandom. It's mostly just a weird habit/anal-retentive-type-thing.)

*blinks* And I think this might be the longest entry (aside, of course, from fic) that I've ever posted here...
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