(no subject)

Oct 24, 2006 00:11

Ummm, yeah. Prolific tonight... Oops?

Title: Almost
Author: studyingstones2
Pairing: Seto/Mokuba, Yami-no-Yuugi/Yuugi, Yami-no-Yuugi/Mokuba
Rating: R for m/m sex
Summary: 369 words, prompt: 027. Reverse
Disclaimer: Not my characters, no profit, literary value, etc.

Mutual need.

Mokuba just wants to be fucked by a brother who refuses to think of their first time as anything but a mistake, and the Other Yuugi wants only to be able to, for once, actually feel this act that he's shared with his Aibou so very many times in spirit.

Yuugi gives them his blessing, and Nii-sama may have never believed that there were two people in that body, but Mokuba finds it hard to be skeptical when watching the transformation up close and with his own eyes.

And it's easy from there. Having got them this far, all Mokuba has to do is let this happen and the Other Yuugi is completely willing to take control and responsibility and make this happen. And that's perfectly fine with Mokuba.

Divested of clothes, sprawled on the bed, tender kisses being trailed up the side of his neck. And that it's not his neck said kisses are being lavished upon in the Other Yuugi's mind doesn't bother him in the slightest. What does bother him is that this isn't what he wants. This slow and soft and gentle. And he has a sneaking suspicion that it isn't quite what the Other Yuugi wants either.

He reverses their positions (easily, taking his bed-partner by surprise) because he figures that words aren't going to be sufficient in explaining what it is he needs- and takes a nipple between his teeth, giving a sharp, experimental bite that momentarily halts the Other Yuugi's breath in his throat.

Apparently it gets his message across, because the next moment, the hands on him turn rough- demanding more than exploring- and the mouth (which returns to his neck) begins to nip more than lick, bite more than suck. And he finally feels fingers move between his legs, between his cheeks, up and up and in.

And it's not like it had been with Nii-sama. Not even when the Other Yuugi finally pushes his cock inside. No frantic touches, no terrible and all-encompassing need in the Other's eyes as there had been in Nii-sama's, no real bruises for him to dig his fingers into later and remember. But that's alright.

Because it's still very, very good.

yami-no-yuugi/yuugi, drabbles, 100_situations, seto/mokuba, yami-no-yuugi/mokuba, for lylei

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