(no subject)

Oct 23, 2006 22:56

Drabbles will most likely start going up within the next couple of weeks. In the meantime...

Title: Dual
Author: studyingstones2
Pairing: BEWDs/Seto, Mokuba/Seto
Rating: NC-17 for the incesty m/m sex and the yummy scary dragon!sex.
Summary: 300 words, prompt: 023. False
Disclaimer: Not my characters, no profit, literary value, etc.

It's all an accident.

A stupid, shameful, entirely humiliating mistake.

It shouldn't be happening, and yet he finds himself utterly powerless to stop himself from lining up and twisting down. Body screaming at the rough intrusion, for him to stop- it hurts- but he needs the pain to make the dream real and so he continues on without so much as a moment's pause to let himself adjust.

(One pinning him down- such perfect control, and yet its claws still digging into the skin of his arms hard enough to draw blood- blood that is eagerly lapped up in the next second. The other two shoving into him- hard- from either end while his attention is diverted.)

Pushes three fingers down his throat in a rough approximation of the dragon's cock. (Nowhere near what he needs, but the closest he'll ever get.)

Drags his fingertips along Mokuba's belly, (scrape of scales along his skin), little, little fingers seeking his cock (agile tails and long rough tongues that do absolutely sinful things to every part of his body they can reach).

Frantic gasp, startling both himself and Mokuba (provoking a growling roar from the one in his ass).

Rise and fall. Again and again and again and again and again. Incessant. And it's torture.

(Jaws and ass stretched wide to accommodate them. Pliant, letting them hold him down, letting them fuck into him so hard it makes his body shake and tremble, so hard that he's going to be sore for days afterwards. So bloody fucking hard that he finally feels like he's getting what he needs.)

And he's finally fully aware of the fact that he's got Mokuba in his ass. (Rough groan torn from his throat with every thrust.) And he hates himself for it.

But he can't stop.

crackfic, bewd/seto, drabbles, 100_situations, seto/mokuba

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