Dec 14, 2005 11:00 , play family feud; worst tv show, best in-class computer game.
Now onto my point. I am wondering who has any predictions for who is going to score points in track this season. Will Eafon? Will Ben? Will Bryce? (duh on that last one)
Thing #2: This summer I was under the impression that 90% of my peers had in fact see Pulp Fiction. Over the past few months I have come the terribly tragic understanding thats this figure is more like 10%. I have nothing else to say.
Thing #3: Take Intro to Law; Mr.White is extremely funny and allows appox. 75% of class time for whatever we may wish to do. This is one of those times.
Final thought: I need some guesses that the avegage IQ of a Salpointe Cheerleader.
Final thought #2: Do you watch the West Wing; if yes, how do you think the season/series should end? (aka, who will win)