Hello world!
I walked to the college library last night, skirting huge puddles --- it was like April, only it was January! This has been mostly a horrible month in the weather department, though we were lucky to dodge (or outrun) a snowstorm after visiting friends in Kentucky.
I exercised today at Peter's Hall, but still ate too much dessert at the dining hall for lunch and should have had a bigger salad and soup instead. Old habits die hard, but I DO WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!
Went to a college basketball game -- it was crazy. We went on the all student side (with a few poor adults like me thrown) and they stood, literally, for the whole, dang, stinking game! Who does that?! During the half time break the 2 dumb girls in front of us finally sat down. Don't remember EVER doing this when I was an undergrad years ago. And when our team was about to make a basket they all raised their arms and their fingers were wiggling around in unison, like that would somehow make the goal! Very weird and aggravating. I had to stand with them to see any of the game. Next time I sit in the seats across the way! They were also deafening when a basket was made or we lost. Too much for this post middleaged student.
WEll, I need to go to the site for the "great backyard bird count." Anybody with a bird guide book can do this. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, yet scientists and and naturalists worry about our migrating birds and their habitats. What would the world be like without the singing of birds in spring,and can we improve their habitat so that they keep coming back to our area? It's something we can all do. It starts Feb. 12 and we should all be involved!