{should pot be} l e g a l i z e d ?

Aug 20, 2004 00:07

so. here's a question that'll raise some eyebrows. please--feel so very free to comment any which way you'd please.

should pot be legalized?

i, admittedly so, have smoked marijuana before. a few times before. and i don't wear torn and old, smelly clothes. i don't listen to bob marley (all the time...) or talk in slurrs and unfinished sentences. i'm not even going to exactly march in some "cannibus advocate" parade. and i'm not going to label myself or anyone else as a 'pot head'. i think the term is a close-minded assumption. but to say, "oh it's a choice and let those smokers do whatever they will with their bodies," seems very unpassionate for someone like me to say. someone who cares deeply and is very opinionated about society. does it make sense that i just want to challenge the system a bit?

why, exactly, is a substance like marijuana (which, by the way, does not contain any toxins that you can 'overdose' on, like heroin, cocaine...) a public enemy? it's a medical miracle people. a medical miracle that, yes, in most cases, have been abused by more than enough youths just so that they could get...well, high. but why must upstanding citizens, *adjusts collar* like myself, pay for the mistakes of another person?

did you see the government slap on bans of alcohol when the past year's leading deaths of people between the ages of 18-24 were drunk driving, violence, and abuse? (by the way, the cause of leading deaths between the ages of 18-24 has been because of alcohol for the many years now...and counting). sure, you see 'motivational' commercials on TV that are supposed to scare us 'underage drinkers' into stopping the consumption of liquor, but if you really take a close look at these ads, they are directed to the parents. to the older generation of people who think if they continue to punish, and punish, and punish, they'll get through.

once again, this entry isn't a cry of, "LEGALIZE POT! *puff, puff, pass* YEAH!"

it's just something to sleep on. the federal government should think about drying out this whole country of beer before it rules out the legalization of marijuana. oh wait, they won't do that. know why? because this country was founded by escapees of religious persecution with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the barrels of beer on their boats.

*tear* god bless america.
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