more ominous words...

Oct 12, 2011 12:07

Leaving for Ohio on Friday night.  (The Russian's leaving on Thursday.)  Just got this via IM:

"im working out an itinerary right now on gdocs"

Flashback to my last family vacation, when the folks and I went to Vegas for the holidays.  Mom had each day planned out from end to end.  We got up in the morning, ate breakfast at the buffet (our only scheduled meal for the day, so we really loaded up), then tromped all over the strip.  It was the most tiring experience--even without all the sniping that inevitably occurs when my parents spend too much time together--and I swore I'd never take an extended vacation with them again.

I'm trying to bear in mind that, much like my annual Labor Day travels with mom, this is more of a work trip than a vacation trip.  On the other hand, I paid for my own ticket.  Shouldn't that buy me some... space?

Thinking strategically, the Russian tends to sleep in and I tend to wake early.  Perhaps if I wake up early enough, I can get some me time in before the start of the day's itinerary.  Either that, or I'll have to find a way to get lost during some part of the day at some moment when his back is turned.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there (but not everywhere).

parents, the russian, travel

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