today's the day

Jan 20, 2010 09:49

Today's my first day subbing for the dance class. Coincidentally, today's also the first day of bellydance boot camp. I'll be at the dance studio from 6-7 for the latter, and then from 8:30-9:30ish for the former. Should be interesting.

Next Monday, the ballet technique class starts. I think I may really enjoy the next 3-6 weeks. Or not.

In other news...

Got a follow up email re: the free punch bag workout intro session. The trainer found a partner for me, and offered a meeting time of Sunday at 10am.

Hopefully the other lady can make it at that time.

Hopefully, this session isn't so much fun that I get suckered into paying for follow-up sessions. (I've already got too much other fitness stuff waiting its turn. [Par exemple: that promise I made myself to go indoor rock climbing at least once a month.] I kind of want at least the beginning of this year to be a dance year, because that stuff has been on the back burner for longer than a lot of other stuff.)

In other news, I saw "Avenue Q" over the weekend, along with ODGS, winterredwood and her swain, and _spinach and his petite soeur*, and Cousin C.

I did enjoy it. But I think I would have enjoyed it more if I'd seen it a few years ago, when I was closer in age to the characters. Knowing what I know now, I found myself thinking things like:

- Wait, he kicked his best friend out of their one-bedroom apartment because he's that deep in the closet? THAT deep? Get over it, dude.+

- Wait, the best friend gets kicked out by his roommate and suddenly he's homeless? Doesn't he have a job? Get a job, dude.


- This song is a little... problematic.**


- Oh, honey... that is not good advice.***

The musical also ended on a very uncertain note, with people opting to make compromises "for now." I can see the logic of this. But now that I'm many years past the expected end date of some "for now" compromises, I now know that they sometimes have the half-life of a Twinkie. You can't just enter into those arrangements all airy-fairy; you need a concrete exit plan.

But overall, I enjoyed the show. There were also moments of:

- Dude, I wish I could go back to college.

- OMG! Puppet Sex!

- Bad Advice Bears! SO cute!

- I've had those ill-advised Long Island Iced Teas.++

- Wedding dress with built-in Christmas lights? Hell, yes.

- And, of course, "There's a fine fine line" was quite the heart-breaker (so of course I loved it.)+++

Afterward, ODGS, _spinach and sister, and I had dinner at the emptiest Chinese restaurant ever. And that was cool too.


* = She objected when I called her that, but I only called her that because Cousin C was going on about puppet sex. T'was more about him than her, really.

+ = And now that I think of it, what's a gay republican investment banker doing sharing a one-bedroom apartment? I guess neither of them (Nicky nor Rod) had sex. Oh wait a minute, how's Rod going to have sex with the boyfriend Nicky found for him, then? (That would be Ricky, an exact clone of Nicky--who had accurately guessed Rod's type--in all ways but orientation.) Maybe Nicky's bi?

** = With regard to, "Everyone's a little bit racist." The examples given in the song didn't really prove the point. Someone with every opportunity in the world doesn't get to claim reverse racism just because they aren't allowed to attend a school that restricts its registration to a specific group of people who tend not to have many other options.

*** = With regard to Christmas Eve's advice to Kate Monster, which was 'just because Princeton's being an ass to you, that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you; go after him anyway.' Kate's decision to follow the advice didn't lead to a bad outcome, so it wasn't terrible advice. But if Princeton had been even a little bit of a different sort of guy, Kate might have learned the true nature of the fine line between love and a waste of time.

++ = Mention of this led to reminiscing about the kindly bouncer who wouldn't let me sit on the floor near his feet but gave me his chair instead. And then the "Henry Fucking Kissinger" rant delivered while _spinach drove me home. I still can't believe that he let me drink two of those, and that he somehow believed that I had any idea what was in them.

+++ = One reason I am susceptible to artists such as Taylor Swift is that romantic angst will get me every time.

fitness, dance, broadway

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