the hammer fell [wedding stuff]

Sep 14, 2009 10:46

So I got a call from Cousin E's fiancee at 9am on Saturday morning. (Perfect timing, though she probably didn't know that she'd caught me at the breather between music show and sports broadcast.)

"Hi. How are you? I need a favor." [Of course you do. I don't think you've ever called me. Like, ever.]

I have now been enlisted to be one of the "wedding coordinators." (I'm not sure why she sounded nervous in asking this; it's not bridesmaid duty. But I'm also not sure why this need arose.) I think this means I'm a glorified usher. I hope this doesn't mean I have to wear a suit. I'm rather attached to the idea of wearing the pretty pink Barbie outfit that's hanging in my closet--one of the Onitsha convention outfits from a few years ago; it's got sparkles. (I should probably try it on to make sure it still fits, since I've only worn it once. And I should probably actually spend some time thinking about whether or not it's an appropriate outfit for a late afternoon garden wedding. Sigh. Otherwise, I might wear the strapless number from the Summer of the Dress that I've also only worn once [because I quickly learned that one should try on a strapless dress while wearing the underpinnings one would actually be wearing with the dress, not the underpinnings one has grabbed from another aisle in the store as a tester].)

My service will have some reward: I'm now officially invited to the bachelorette party the night before. She says I'm free not to go of course. She doesn't want me to be shocked. There will be strippers. Her sister's planning it. We could just have dinner. I said, "Oh, no worries. I'm cool with strippers." (Now that I think about it, though, I'm guessing these will be male strippers and that does make me a bit nervous. A room full of lusty women and naked men will be a novel experience for sure. Truth be told, though I'm cool with female strippers, the one time Queen B and I went to the Kit Kat Club I was a bit timid then, too. Didn't know where to look, especially when we were sitting right next to the stage and there was no doubt the performer could see me.)

More wedding stuff...

Last week, Cousin Aurora im'd to find out if I'd be available to help my mom cook for the wedding. Cousin Aurora asked my mom to make one of her specialties, moy moy, for the wedding. (She'd previously asked Cousin Elsie--since she's (a) used to cooking for an army of people, and (b) more geographically convenient to the wedding venue--but she said 'no' and so mom got the call.) I definitely wouldn't mind squiggling out of this duty, so am hoping that the logistics of this task work out such that it's either impossible for mom to do it (since the food must be cooked in advanced, stored [the biggest problem], and transported and somehow no one of my cousins has offered to help with any of this) or at least impossible for me to assist.

I am also now officially invited to the wedding shower. Gosh, with all these obligations suddenly rising up, this is beginning to seem like a real wedding after all.

On the plus side, all of this wedding stuff will be over before my friend Ramon's annual Halloween party, which I have again been invited to. As you may recall, my attendance at last year's function was something of a bust as I got on the road late and my costume did not come together. So this year, I will get on the road on time (timed to arrive at 7pm), I will put more time and effort into the cheerleader ensemble, and I will at least consider sleeping over. One potential wrinkle is that last year this time, I was in a blissful phase of having no parental supervision. This year, however, I will have to explain to my no doubt incredulous father my intention of driving two hours each way to attend a Halloween party thrown by a former semi-pro wrestler/punk rock drummer and attended by his band of punks and wrestlers. Should be interesting.

Ramon has asked me to bring single women. I've asked him to make sure there are plenty of pretty young things who are free with the flirting. I think we may both fall down on the job. Not even sure I know any single women these days. In any case, if anyone's up for an October 24th road trip to Sacto, let me know. I certainly wouldn't mind company in the car. It's by the grace of 5 Hour Energy (and the regular hot caffeinated beverage) that I made it home alive last year. (And by the grace of I'm-not-sure-what that I still haven't received a bill for that toll road I unexpectedly found myself on.)

On another random 'my family is eating my October' note: Cousin Agby has scheduled little Savvy's christening for 9:00am on October 4. This is another event that is taking place an hour's drive from here. And attendance would mean missing yoga. Sigh.

family, events

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