Aug 31, 2009 16:04
Am now listening to Saturday's broadcast. About halfway through I am pretty sure it turned into a metal show. (I was looking to play music reviewed by a particular person and he reviews a lot of metal.) I'm not sure there was enough foreshadowing to justify the transition. The guy in the 3-6am slot ended on a modern classical/jazz note, so I picked up that thread, then played indie rock broken up by noise rock or electronic tracks, and then it was metal/spacey metal/ambient metal, and I tried to end on a slightly lighter rock/pop-punk note. Hard to imagine that anyone who listened to the first part of the show stayed around for the second.
One thing I really have to do, one of these days, is make a special effort to take a 12-3 or 3-6am slot so I can feel free to experiment. I played a noise track that was composed using wine glasses from a thrift store, all high-pitched tones. That would've been cool to collage with something else, and I always mean to do so and then I chicken out. I think I might feel more free to be wacky if I'm pretty sure the only people listening are wackos and insomniacs.
But never mind about content. The real reason I'm listening to these broadcasts is presentation. Am trying to work on smoother delivery. And being less repetitive. Unless I have something in front of me to read, I get nervous and start babbling. I'm working on cutting that out; listening to past broadcasts helps me remember that as some of the babbling/stuttering/etc. is kind of embarrassing. Now I limit my talking to reading PSAs, announcing songs, giving out the station ID and contact information. This is probably fine; people wouldn't be tuning in to hear me sermonize. But... every now and again I need to kill a minute or two. Like, if i want to play a four minute track but I have 5 or 6 minutes of show left. So I have to work up to being able to kill time without getting embarrassed and nervous. Also, I will (just as a personal challenge) have to eventually offer some ticket gives. This might, perhaps, encourage people to call in more often than hardly ever.
Oh, but I forgot to mention: at the end of my show I read promos for the upcoming shows. I'm not sure how other people do it, but I just read the schedule for the entire rest of the day. Byrd heard this on the way in. (He's usually at the station and prepping for his show by the time I get around to this, but I did the promos a bit earlier than usual, and he's been getting to the station a bit later than usual.) I allegedly displayed a wicked sense of humor during this segment. There's one show that doesn't have a description; the guy's an old-head and just didn't feel like writing one this quarter, I guess. So I make one up for him every week. I'm resisting the urge to fast-forward and try to figure out what I said about it that might've been amusing.
Oh, and while I'm at it, I'd just like to say in writing that I'm glad the girl who chose the name "Aural Sex" for her show has been on vacation (or maybe just in a different time slot with a different show name) all summer. It was super challenging trying to promo her show without falling victim to her punniness.