I have a dance performance coming up. I know this for certain now because I've had the performance anxiety dream. I don't think dream me was entirely unprepared this time around, but it was still a bit of a heart-thumper.
Of course, real life me is entirely unprepared. Molly's opting out of both her duets (one with me and one with Queen B), so I offered to do two solo dances rather than just one (i.e. 7-10 minutes of stuberyl superstar rather than just 3). (And Queen B's doing a solo or two her own self.) So that second solo? Complete theory at this point. It looks really good in my head and absolutely does not exist in meat space. I need to start waking up early (before dad gets up) and practicing in the mornings.
Holy God, I've only got three weeks left!
Since this Wednesday's dance class was canceled, I took a belly dance class that was randomly offered at the gym. It had more latin flavor than I found useful, but the teacher was cool. (And her mom was there, too, to offer tech tips.) This was the third of four bellydance classes she'll be teaching at the gym, but she also teaches at the local YMCA so I can catch her there if I need a dose of inspiration. Also, she requested people's email addresses because she has an 11-minute slot at
DDF and wanted to invite some of the gym class folks to join her. That sounds like a really cool opportunity. (Between the impending doom of our student night [restaurant] performance and another upcoming performance at an Art & Wine Festival, no one from my regular Wednesday night class was feeling all that jazzed about trying to call in for a dance slot at DDF--opting for the audience experience instead.) But it feels kind of like cheating, the idea of following through with it, since the other ladies in the gym class did seem to be beginners and I'm... not quite that.
Anyway. On to the important questions:
What song should I dance to?
What outfit should I wear?
When will I ever take a tribal class so I can wear my super-cool tribal outfit?
When will I ever feel comfortable to wear anything as skimpy as that tribal outfit?
When will I stop stress-eating so I'll feel comfortable to wear my regular outfit?
Should I tell my parents about either of these performances?
Should I tell my parents about the tattoo so I won't have to bother covering it over with makeup if I happen to decide to tell them about these performances and they happen to decide to attend?
And, most importantly:
Will I suck?