Facebook status updates (a living post)

Apr 06, 2009 23:58

Here is (i.e. will eventually be) a list of Facebook status updates I am resisting making. Some of these [do or eventually will] end up on MySpace, and some fade off into the aether [like the one I thought of just now]. If I had a Twitter account, they would probably all end up there. So it is a good thing I do not have a Twitter account.

What I find I mostly have to resist is making snarky responses to what other people post. I fear my misanthropy may show.


Today's entries:

I'm melting! I'm MELTing! Oh the humanity! Oh the BEEmanity!*

It's not that I think you're old, it's just that I feel like I'll be old when I'm as old as you are. [aka Dear my 40ish friends: I'm sorry I keep saying "he/she's not THAT old" about people in your age bracket.]

Has (omg) just realized what that Frankie Goes to Hollywood song is about.


Seeks to be charmed and disarmed.

Is getting skeeved out by all the positivity people keep spewing around her.


They Got the Mustard OUT!


Specializes in the poetry of moments.


Are those your thighs? Cause Damn!


Is unreasonably irritable.


If loving cherry pie is wrong, I'd rather be right.


hates almost every one of you (no offense).


"Being a parent is not easy" --Neither is saving for retirement.


* Today was a very stressful day, I actually worked for, like, most of the day and then stayed late to work after the day was over, and I will still be behind when I get to work tomorrow. I hate everyone except for one person (and if I am good at my job, none of these people know who they are**).

** It is important for people to not realize that I am feeling hostile towards them, and it is also important for people to not realize that I might play favorites because I am susceptible to charm attack!especially when combined with a pretty face. [Truthfully, my hand may be showing on that latter point.]

miscellany, work, qotd

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