Jun 27, 2009 03:07
Earlier this week I found out that PotterCast was coming to Atlanta with The Whomping Willows and The Remus Lupins as part of their pre-movie tour and I decided I couldn't not go.
It was held a place we'd actually been before, but the directions made it sound like it wasn't, partly because the place is now closed so it was actually in an open space nearby, so we were sort of wandering up and down East Trinity in Decatur with Ashwin's iPhone insisting we were *right there* for a while when we ran into another couple doing the same thing. And the she even had my same first name! And then we found the place together. It was really, really not where it said because it said the gazebo, but there was a dance or martial arts group or cult or something there, so really we all just sat on the grass by some trees and tried not to melt. I think a lot of people maybe never found the place, and a lot more people never even knew it was happening because the publicity was a bit quiet and there was a lack of venue and stuff. So the group was small, but happy. Except for the bugs, which Ash said were really Rita Skeeter.
We got there really late and there were no amps or anything for the music, but we did see a few of the people from HP Atlanta. I liked that because I liked getting to talk to them more and because it's a lot easier for me to be in a place if I feel like I know someone.
After much hemming and hawing, I decided to go talk to the the PotterCast people and ask for their autographs. And while I was doing that, I met some real old-school Quillers! I was wearing my Team 87 t-shirt, and they were wearing Quill shirts, too. :)
I think I was a bit of a ninny about it, but it's just whenever I read about someone or something before I meet them it's just automatically ten times cooler because it's like meeting a character. Like even when the kids would tell me all about some other teacher or kid, finally meeting them would be a Moment. Also, as you all know, I really like it when online people turn out to be real, and who they say they are, and not hairy old men, unless they owned up to being that from the beginning, although I don't think I've met anyone online who has.
But that part was way cool, even if I didn't really know what to say or do. I wish I had asked, you know, a large number of questions, though. Because they had interesting things to share.
And then Ashwin splurged and bought me a t-shirt. It was easy to pick because it was green and it said I believe in nargles. I felt strangely drawn to this one shirt because it had the outline of the state of Massachusetts on it, which reminded me of home, but it was an H/D shipper shirt, and also not green, so there was no way it was going to win.
And we were just standing around and talking when all of a sudden they started packing up their merchandise really quickly and scampering away. Because the cops (like four of them!) had shown up. At first I thought they had heard us talking about Sharpie-ing a lightning bolt onto the the forehead of the bust of some guy on a pedestal, but savvier people surmised that you can't sell stuff without permits in parks in Decatur. So then we went home. But it was pretty nifty for a Thursday night.
Also, some people have expressed interest in paying me money for stuff. Like, you know, work. !