I still like to write in this, every now and then.

May 31, 2011 21:08

I can't believe that I didn't post about The Submarines more recently. They wrote the 2008 Song Of The Year on the Stubblecast with You, Me and the Bourgeoisie (I can't spell Bourgeoisie without having a guess each time).

The first point about the Submarines is that they've got a new album out - Love Notes/Letter Bombs. It's stunning. It's a lot dancier than their previous records, and it tells a new story. While Declare a New State was about their breakup and Honeysuckle Weeks was about them getting back together, Love Notes/Letter Bombs sees the band/couple living together.

I love Los Campesinos though I often feel that I'm too old for them. If I was 17, Los Campesinos would be exactly my band, with their free and pretty uninhibited view on life and death. There's such a vital energy in them that they should be the core of the zeitgeist of Britain's youth. What do we get instead? The Arctic Monkeys and Britain's Favourite Racist..

The Submarines, however, seem just right for me. They're a band that matches my age and stage* in life. I'm going to be a bit evangelical about them because I think that they're truly a beautiful band.

Which is why it was quite disappointing that when I saw them live, the atmosphere at King Tut's was almost non-existent. They were there supporting the Mountain Goats, and I bought my ticket just to see the Submarines. I think that everybody else in the audience was marking time until the main act came on. There were about two women swaying along to some of the later songs, but it really wasn't what I imagined. When I listen to You Me and the Bourgeoisie at home, there's a fair amount of stomping and dancing. None at this gig and I didn't really want to be the one loon rocking out.

Still, Peace and Hate live is amazing. Blake has a lovely breathy voice for the backing vocals.

Next month's book is 20,000 leagues under the sea. I've chosen it, without reading it before, which is a first for me as usually I choose a book that I've read and enjoyed so that we all get to talk about something that I like.

I already had a copy of it, then I saw this version in HMV and had to buy it. How creepy is that cover? Sadly the book hasn't yet captured my imagination, though I've only just completed part 1 of it.

I'm also slightly stuck for TV just now. Well, not at all. I've finished Clone Wars Season 3, Breaking Bad Season 3, How I Met Your Mother Season 6 and Mad Men Season 4. I've got a watch list of Rome, Rubicon, Doctor Who Series "5" and Sandbaggers Season 3. I'm currently watching Doctor Who series "6" as it comes out (take that, Americans) and really enjoying it. I'm still not completely sure on what I want to watch next.

*Teacher terminology

music, tv, books

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