
Feb 05, 2007 09:35

From the Elijah List:
Some time ago, I received this "open vision." I feel it applies to several of you reading today. In the vision, I was looking out the kitchen window of an old farmhouse. I noticed a large rose garden; some of the roses had "bloomed" while others were "tightly budded." Above the rose garden was an enormous storm cloud. I remember thinking "it's going to..." and before the word "pour" was formed in my consciousness, the Heavens opened.

As the deluge continued, I witnessed a curious thing. The roses that had "bloomed", were filling up like cups. The weight of the water caused the rose to bend over, spilling its contents on thirsty ground, and then springing upright to be filled again.

The "tightly budded" roses, though exposed to the same rain, only had a few droplets on their exterior. The Lord said, "The bloom receives the rain; the bud only gets the dew."


I think that's such a good representation of being open to things of the Spirit. It's what God's been teaching me more and more of. We've got to come to Him like trusting, innocent children. "The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." We can't be so afraid that we're gonna do something wrong that we prevent ourselves from doing something right! And if we do something wrong, what's the worst that can happen?! We learn from our mistakes. "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

All those verses come from the recent New Testament challenge readings in Matthew.

Church of the Highlands Auburn! Sunday!!! 11:15 everybody be there!!!

-St. Uart
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