Ok, yes big title for today but what the hell.
Anyway, the reason the LJ is called Stuartgm is because GM was the name of a nice gaming forum that I visited alot before it got shut down by the owner who never visited the site (he basically put a friend of mines in charge by making him an admin then left him to it but decided the forum was useless and shut it down)
and every replacement since then has shut down so I just gave up and went back to Gamefaqs.
I have been playing Tomb Raider Legend with Donna when she is here and I can't wait til Tomb Raider Underworld is out, <3 Tomb Raider.
I have also been playing GTA4 recently, not completed it yet but I will. I am not even off the first island yet but thats because my bro took it when I first got it since he wanted to play it and I only just got it back.
Another note: Zero Punctuation FTW,
www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation Basically, guy does very fucking funny reviews.