dont blame it on the sunshine....

Jul 21, 2009 08:30

well... im feeling pretty good. or at least, i'm not feeling bad.

2nd day of abc and i've lost 1.5kg already. so i'm on 200 cals today. this should be fun. i'm supposed to be having lunch with a friend, but made her promise that we'd have salad so i'm gonna make a salad. dunno what kind tho.

yesterday i did bodycombat class with my competition buddy (who's lost so much freaking weight its annoying. so she totally wins unless i can kick this abc thing double time) and that'd burn at least 600 calories. and a bodybalance class which would be at least another 100. so with eating 500cals was on a negative 200.

today i'll be eating 200 cals of salad at lunch and then i'm going to the movies to see HP6 so i'm gonna have a diet coke and some chewy with me so that i'll have my hands and mouth busy. and i'm doing a TTT (tummy, tails, thighs) class today, which is always a bitch of a cardio workout, so that'll burn like a bitch and give me at least 300 cals (i'm being careful cos i'm not really sure)

i'm feeling good. i can suck my tummy in heaps cos its empty. and i'm liking the grumbling in my stomach. after all that 'healthy' eating i'd forgotten how good it felt to be empty and light. in bodybalance i kept getting all dizzy when we had to stand up quickly. it was interesting, different and proof that what i'm doing is actually affecting my body.

thinspo, diet, motivational, exercise

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