Title: Permanent
Pairing: Bill/Tom
Genre: Twincest, established relationship, fluff
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It's a wonder Tom is afraid of permanent things that last a lifetime. He is a twin, after all.
Disclaimer: I own everything, twins, cars, even you.
Authors notes: If a twin tattoo rumour can’t pick me up from my writers block, I don’t know
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Oh, and this: Tom could take teasing and annoyance longer than Bill, but when Bill blew up and soothed down fairly quickly, it took longer for Tom to really lose his temper but once he did, he would burn for quite a long while. We need to discuss! :D Because I don't think I agree. I feel Bill would be above mean taunts way longer than Tom could stand to be, but when upset, Bill could probably hold a grudge until the end of time. We should totally get back to that when we next talk! <3
So happy you wrote this down, it's quite long too! Wow, all in one night?
I guess the difference in their "mistakes" was that what Bill blurted out, despite its awfulness, was so plain ridiculous that neither of them took it seriously. Then again Tom's reaction of thinking Bill would use something as huge as this as a joke was a real reactin. But like you said, even they aren't perfect - the billandtom is still combined of Bill and Tom, two separate people no matter how close they are.
Honestly, I think both twins are pretty grudgeful. I see them to be a lot like me, actually: claiming to forgive but they'll never forget what people have done. I see Bill as someone who could give second chances easier, but if you get on the wrong side of Tom, you'll never move from there. Especially if it's someone who's been mean to Bill, I can imagine Tom would never forget that.
Yeah, the twins probably never forget. I don't think they're afraid to burn bridges either if they feel vengeful enough. But between them, I could see Tom relenting more easily because he seems so goddamn dependent on Bill. Bill has a core like a diamond, I bet you could chip away at him all you want and he wouldn't give in until he wanted to *g* Ah, those boys. <3333
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