Post Decemberists is like post sex. Also, Barrowlands is a fucking brilliant venue. It's a converted roller rink so the floor shakes like anything and bangs up and down. It was a bit wasted on this gig so I'll defiantly have to get back there for something more jumpy. The most use it got today was a bit good ol' foot stomping for the encore
Is and during The Mariner's Revenge.
Colin Meloy has a great stage presence. He's funny, and not like scripted funny. He was just chatting about whatever was going on. He is also fantastic at pulling the audience in, we got to do a lot of instructed singing, swayed like the sea while everything was lit up blue and had to shout like we'd been swallowed by a whale. Sometimes that kind of stuff is boring but it went so well with all the chat and the atmosphere to start with so people just went for it. Glasgow is THE best place for gigs, no contest. I guess the show was like an awesome kids band but with lyrics depicting rape, infantaside and general tragedy. And summer, he loves summer.
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I'm 90% sure that I am the person you can hear shouting 'ALRIGHT' completely out of tune. It sounds like me and it's the right position. Oh, that's another thing. Scottish audiences can sing. It's fucking weird.
EDIT: It is me, you can see the top of my head for a few seconds. I'm right under the camera. I also laugh at the line that I coincidently stuck in for a title.
If the train wasn't such an arse I would be in Glasgow all the time for gigs. The Glasgow - Edinburgh train (yes, that's Scotland's two main cities) stops at 11:30 even on weekends. It's pathetic. We always end up in a mad rush back to the station; it's only a matter of time until we miss it and have to sit outside until 6am. We had an hour to do it today but after the cloakroom and a couple of wrong turnings we only just jumped on a minute before it went.
We also had Chicken Cottage which was awesome. Edinburgh doesn't have any proper chicken shops. Mm.