Notes: I hereby declare this a series, called the "Outcasted" series. Basically, I'm going to use it as my outlet for when my Dongwoon muse attacks me. Therefore, I fear that it may become a bit incomprehensible. I'll see what comes of it, in any case. Please enjoy!
OH yeah.. The banner is temporary. Because I hate it. :|
Part 2: The Innocent
I sit at a small table in the front room, my usual spot as I wait for customers. I'm watching my clock on the rusty wall tick it's way towards 5AM. The sun has yet to rise, and that means I'm technically open for business. I find I usually get a lot of customers just as the sun is about to rise. The ones that made an attempt to fend for themselves, but failed for some reason. Worse than that is the vampires who've been hurt. The ones that come in, dripping blood all over my floor. I can't be too bothered by that, though. The floors are concrete here, and not exactly a pretty sight anyway. It's the attitude of the injured ones that really bothers me. But hey, they've already been put down by someone. I can't blame them for being frustrated with having to deal with someone like me. Someone that they think should be bowing to them, or whatever.
Right now, anyway, the space behind the bars is clear of any clients. It's kind of disappointing. I did well collecting the humans today, and I was hoping to get rid of a few more before sunrise.
This waiting thing is a little boring.
He moves into the doorway so I can see him, but he doesn't say anything to me. We don't just work together, we live together, so I guess you'd expect us to be pretty close. In actuality, I don't know much about him. I don't even know how old he is, if he's older than me or younger than me. Sure, we get along every once in a while, but to be honest a lot of our interacting is through Yoseob.
Yoseob is some friend of Hyuna's, that I captured along with him. Originally, I kind of had no choice but to deal with Yoseob. If I wanted Hyuna around, Yoseob was sticking with him. As it turned out, Yoseob's actually become kind of.. a friend? Besides, he's useful when it comes to capturing humans. He likes to help. He's kind of weird about it, really. It's like he doesn't even realize just how wrong what we're doing is.
"Did you want something?" Hyuna asks, after I've been quiet for a while.
"It's kind of slow tonight." I tell him, trying to be conversational. After another second, I just admit it. "I'm bored."
It looks to me that Hyuna is stiff and unsure how to react. It's cute. Hyuna is good at that, being cute. Cute in the way that he obviously isn't making any effort to be cute, he's just naturally awkward in a way that I find endearing. He's actually my type, the problem with that being that I'm pretty sure I'm not his. Well, that and the whole thing where we're both generally quiet people. Leading to quiet moments.. like now...
"... You don't pay me to entertain you." Hyuna tells me, but not in some snotty way. More like his uncomfortable way of telling me he has no idea what to do for me.
"Forget it." I get out of my chair, stepping back towards the doorway. "I'm gonna eat real quick. Watch out for customers."
When I order him around not so nicely, Hyuna glares at me. It isn't threatening, not really. I read it as something like, "I can kick your ass any time so don't forget to treat me with some respect." So, when I step past him, I add on a quick and nearly sarcastic "Please. Thanks." before I disappear behind the wall. It isn't exactly respect, but well, who can say I didn't try?
As Hyuna takes my place in the other room, my prisoners seem to relax in their cages. It's kind of a blow to my likes-to-be-feared ego, but in the end, Hyuna is working for me, and I can take pride in that. I don't look at them as I walk through the room.. a room lined with cages, which leads out to a wide open hallway. There's a metal staircase here, leading up to the upper level, where we do most of the living. This isn't the nicest place, and upstairs really isn't an exception, but it's at least a bit better.
I don't get that far, anyway. Yoseob is sitting on a middle stair, straightening up when he sees me.
"I wasn't doing anything." he says first, and I can see him stretching to try and see around me. He wants to make sure Hyuna didn't catch him. Though I don't give a shit, Hyuna likes for Yoseob to be far away from the humans. I think Hyuna is out to protect Yoseob's innocence. As I see it, Yoseob's "innocence" is pretty damn invincible.
"He's waiting for customers." I inform him helpfully, but Yoseob flatters me by not relaxing just yet. "I fell on the stairs. Was just making sure my toe is okay."
It's a lie. I know it and he knows I know it, but he just offers one of his charming little smiles. Yeah, he's "innocent", alright.
"I got it. You wanna get a sandwich?"
His grin becomes a little more real when he stands up, "Like, from out? Cause definitely--"
"From the kitchen." I quickly correct him. Yoseob goes on and on about wanting to get out. At night, it isn't safe. In the daytime, we're either sleeping or working. It's not like I'm purposely trying to keep him from having a social life. If I'm being honest with myself, maybe it's just that I'm avoiding a social life for myself.
I don't want to befriend lots of humans. I'm above humans. But I can't befriend vampires any more... it's dangerous.
I'll accept Hyuna, and even Yoseob. They're my coworkers. They're useful to me. That's all I need. If I can live with that, so can Yoseob.
"Yeah, okay." He mumbles, turning on the stairs. "Sandwiches from the kitchen. Like the kind we eat every day.. in the kitchen..."
"Not true." I tell him, hurrying up the stairs until I'm just a step behind him. "Some days, we eat noodles."