Second post :3

Sep 24, 2011 20:43

Please, people. Post. Just post anything. <3
Also, I don't know how to make sure posts can be commented on. Last time it was set to 'Journal Default' it didn't let someone comment. =/

Title: Popular.
Author: peep_scarf108
Pairing: Nikolai/Julian
Word Count: 1628
Rating: G! Bit of angst, bit of fluff.
Summary: Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Author's Note: Second post!
(I know I suck at titles. They’re just intrinsically named so I can remember which is which.)

Disclaimer: None of this is real. I made it all up. This is not, at all, meant to be taken seriously.

Nikolai thought books were the best thing ever.

He could take them anywhere and get lost in them for hours. French books were even better because to the common American, assault, robbery, crime, philosophy, adventure, magic, science and cooking all looked the same in text. Nikolai loved the capacity of escapism books brought to his table. Every day at school when it was recess or lunch he would wander silently from one end of the school to the back line of trees in the field. There he would sit, every day, under his favourite trees and read.

Because of where he sat, he had a perfect vantage point of the rest of the school’s happenings during the breaks. The football field always had the jocks running on it, the bleachers were filled with the cheer-leader type girls, common people sat everywhere else at tables or on the ground. All of those people were far enough away from him so they didn’t bother him. The group that sat the farthest away were the popular kids; which meant they were the ones people fawned over. They were hot guys and chicks leaning against the wall with their massive egos. They were being perpetuated by those who surrounded them who simply wanted to be like them. Nikolai knew everybody’s name only as he observed so much but never spoke to ninety-five percent of his grade. He was what the majority of the others referred to as a nerd. Personally, Nikolai gave no notice of malicious gossip about himself or anyone else and his only proper friends were a couple of people he knew outside of school who were interested in the same kinds of things he was. Yes, he liked Star Wars, yes he liked video games and he certainly loved reading but this made him himself; not some nameless kid in a pidgeon-hole entitled ‘Nerd.’

Nikolai seemed to feel immune to the other happenings around him. He felt like he was nothing like they were, and he was too far away to be bothered by any of them anyway. One day, however, he saw one of the popular kids with a trail of twenty or so try-hards trailing behind, becoming larger in the corner of his eyes. He looked up momentarily and saw Julian, one of the most-loved and popular guys in school. He was a guy who wore jeans with gaps and fraying holes at the knees. He wore a worn leather jacket and had dark messy hair and a matching attitude which set it all off. Nikolai had never spoken to him before, or even seen him this close up. Julian was shouting angrily at the people who were following him, waving a straight hand dismissively. Nikolai decided to ignore all of this and go back to his reading. By the time Julian had crossed the entire length of the field, he was alone. He adjusted his jacket and stood beside the lanky boy with his books.

“Hey,” said Julian. His voice had no hint of anger in it now, and it was merely casual and conversational. “Hey,” replied Nikolai, not looking up from his beige pages. Julian stood there momentarily and knew he could feel more than half the school’s eyes lingering on his back. “I’m Jules. What’s your name?” Nikolai’s eyes were fixated on the ink embedded on the page and he answered with a quiet; ‘Nikolai.’ Julian sat down on the soft grass and leant against a tree which was exactly opposite Nikolai. Nikolai’s eyes scanned each word and never left the page. Julian watched him for a couple of minutes, not knowing what to say or what to do. Before Nikolai could ask what Julian was doing, Julian cut in with, “How do you do that?” Nikolai was confused but felt as if he didn’t really care. “What do you mean?” he asked with a slight monotone as he turned a page. Julian watched him and pointed vaguely at his book. “How do you just sit there? I’m one of the most popular people at school and you just don’t seem to even acknowledge that I’m here.” Nikolai looked up properly for the first time and their eyes met. Julian was taken aback by the crisp, bright green in the boy’s eyes. Nikolai still looked at him as he said, “Popular people are not nice to me, so why should I care if you’re here or not?” He stared Julian down for an answer. Julian faltered and frowned a little as Nikolai shook his head disbelievingly and returned to reading. “I’ll go then…” he said as he stood up. He glanced down at Nikolai who showed no sign of speaking or moving or anything and so Julian trudged off in awkward defeat. It was the first time anything like that had happened to him.

A week passed and nothing out of the ordinary happened since the Julian incident. He had noticed a couple of people looking at him in slight awe when he walked down the corridors to his classes, and he aptly ignored them just like everyone else who was unkind to him. It hadn’t left Nikolai’s mind, though, why he decided to suddenly come over and speak to him.

Nikolai was immersed in his book. The main character had just been mysteriously murdered and as he began to think of who could have done it, he saw Julian plonk down in front of him again. “Put your book down, please,” said Julian calmly. Nikolai obliged only to hope to get rid of him sooner. Julian put his hands together and spread his fingers as he contemplated what to say. He looked at Nikolai with an expression Nikolai would never have expected to see on someone like Julian. It was a kind of pleading face; sadness etched in his eyebrows and thin, concentrating lips. “This might sound crazy, but do you want to be friends?” Silence lingered between the two of them as Nikolai looked at Julian rather seriously. The first thought that came to his mind were the same words he spat out: “Why? Why me?” Julian was, again, taken aback. He didn’t have a proper reason formed in his own brain yet, let alone one plausible enough for Nikolai. He stood up and just shuffled his feet. He looked over his shoulder at Nikolai, who was looking up at him. “I’ll see you around then…I guess…” said Julian and gave him a little defeated smile. Nikolai nodded and continued reading.

Each day got progressively stranger as Nikolai found himself being spoken to by more and more of the popular try-hards and he was not enjoying it. Some confronted him about why Julian kept talking to him. Others, at a glance, even seemed to be imitating him. He was trying to saunter away to his beloved tree when he felt a hand grip his shoulder. “It’s been two weeks, Nikolai. Why don’t you like me?” said Julian, voice low and slightly slurred. The corridor went silent. Nikolai felt every pair of eyes looking at him from every angle. He looked at Julian and frowned as he knew everyone was listening; “Because I don’t like hordes of people questioning me about you!” He threw Julian’s hand off his shoulder and left the corridor at a hurried pace. Everyone watched him, mouths agape, and then everyone turned to Julian. He had just been turned down quite publically and he felt himself sinking a little. He followed him

When Nikolai saw him he was slightly defensive, almost scared. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” He clasped his books tightly to his chest and felt so many emotions he shouldn’t be and this made him a little angrier. Julian sat down beside Nikolai this time. Instead of asking questions he spoke softly. “I didn’t mean to annoy you or cause anybody else to bother you. I just want to be your friend.” Nikolai looked at Julian anxiously. Before he could ask why, Julian explained. “Someone had been making fun of you. Someone who follows me…when I asked around, no one knew who you were or anything about you. You seemed harmless so I thought I’d come over and, you know, talk. Prove them wrong…”

They sat in silence for a few minutes.

There was a breeze which blew leaves gently across the grass and a couple of birds called from a nearby tree. Nikolai had relaxed the grip on his books and he rested them in his lap as he looked at Julian. “I’ve never done anything to anybody. I’m a social reject simply because I’m a little different, and I’m a little different because of what some popular kids did to me in grade school…” muttered Nikolai. He looked at Julian sadly, “I’ve always been quiet but not so obviously…not in such recluse.” Julian didn’t really want to ask what they did exactly but he felt suddenly uneasy, and apologetic. “I’m sorry they hurt you. I’m not like that. I think you’re cool,” he offered. Nikolai slightly snickered as he didn’t believe it but Julian explained. “You’ve been the only person to not care about my standing. You know? You didn’t go ‘Ooh it’s Julian!’ like every other pathetic urchin who copies me.” He sighed. “I mean. I liked you because you treated me like a normal person; nothing special. You got angry and dismissive. You’re the only honest person I know at this school. I wanted to be your friend because it would be real friendship, not something superficial.” He looked at Nikolai and smiled at him warmly with a little shrug. Nikolai nodded and said “Friends?” Julian’s little smile broadened into a grin and he put a hand on Nikolai’s shoulder. “Friends.”

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