First Post!

Sep 06, 2011 21:44

Well, hello there. I see this place is full of tumbleweeds and whatnot. I do hope more people start posting anything they think of =/
I write all the flipping time but I never ever post because I'm too scared. But I also don't want the last semi-active Strokes LJ comm to die so here goes:

Title: Drinkies
Author: peep_scarf108
Pairing: Nikolai/Nick
Word Count: 970 something
Rating: PG for alcohol. Also light ghey.
Summary:Sometimes Nikolai just didn't care.
Author's note:As I said, I'm normally too scared to post. Please don't hate me.

DISCLAIMER: None of this is real. I made it all up. This is not, at all, meant to be taken seriously.

Nikolai chatted with a group of people; some whom he’d met loads of times before, some only once. The music was loud; he couldn’t hear a lot of what was being said but occasionally he would glance up and smile or murmur a few words of acknowledgement or reply.

He clutched a glass of whiskey in one bony hand as he more listened than conversed. His mind wasn’t really in it, though. They had played a show just an hour ago and the blood was still pumping through him excitedly. As he swirled the liquid in his glass; he watched it. He was sort of like it, in a sense. He fit in with the rest of the band, but did so in a subtle manner. No one noticed him first, but he was never forgotten. He stood to the far right of every show and played bass. Sometimes he would wander behind the towering speakers which blasted his picked notes through the crowds. Sometimes he would wander out the front and be either looked at by myriads of people, or not so many in particular. He considered himself to be nothing special, and didn’t feel insulted when everyone else tended to concentrate on the rest of the band, either for their boisterous personalities, or loud stage presence.

He felt a light tug at his sleeve and glanced up distractedly at Nick who had suddenly appeared. Nick was wearing a gentle, sly smirk which was reserved only for other members of the band. Nikolai followed Nick to where he was being pulled. They stood in the corner of the room, lights low, music louder than it was before. Nikolai sipped his drink and relished the spiky feeling it left on his tongue. He glanced around the room and noticed everyone else was dancing, either high or drunk or whatever; no one was paying any attention to anyone unless they were making out with someone.

“We did a great show tonight,” said Nick finally, his voice louder to compensate being heard over the noise. Nikolai nodded in silent agreement and looked at his band mate. Nick’s messy brown hair was everywhere, a little greasy from the sweat you couldn't help but develop on stage and some stray hairs from his fringe lay in the middle of his forehead, away from the others. Just as Nikolai’s eyes were drawn to them, Nick swept them from his face with a casual grace and he stood closer to the lanky bass player.

“Great bass playing, though, as usual,” said Nick flirtatiously. At this point, Nikolai noticed alcohol on the other’s breath and a slight tiredness in his eyes. Nick had had a bit to drink. He could handle it pretty well, considering his age and build, but tonight it seemed, he had had enough to make him sway slightly, and give people that lead-eyed gaze which was an inadvertent invitation to go to bed with him.
“Great guitar playing, too, man,” replied Nikolai with a small smile which revealed his perfect teeth. Nikolai also noticed that Nick was staring him down with those eyes tonight.

“Thanks, but in Red Light, you really hammered it, Nik,” retorted Nick breathily. He stood even closer and took one long swig from the beer bottle in his hand. Once he swallowed, he put the empty bottle on a table just in his reach and he looked back at Nikolai.

“Thanks,” said Nikolai eventually. Because he said the least out of everyone in the band, he had plenty of time to become an expert on everyone else’s behaviour and mannerisms. Nikolai wasn’t at all disconcerted that his fellow band mates tried to bed him on numerous occasions; whether that meant on tour or not, but only very few times had they succeeded. Nick had, once. Though Nikolai had been so out of it, he only knew vaguely what had happened once he awoke beside Nick; and Julian was somewhere on the floor nearby. Since then, when anyone mentions that occasion; Nikolai can’t help but blush profusely.

Thinking about it, in fact, he felt a pink burn crawl into his cheeks and he stared distractedly at the paint on the wall. It was a nice beige colour, he noted.
“Guess what,” said Nick suddenly. Nikolai looked at Nick with raised eyebrows as he downed the last of his drink and rested the glass beside Nick’s discarded bottle. Nick stood so close to Nikolai that the fronts of the bodies were touching. Nikolai couldn’t back away as there was a cabinet directly behind him; and if he were honest, he didn’t really want to back away. Not tonight. He looked at Nick with questioning eyes; with one etched eyebrow raised.
Nick stood up straight, as best as he could in his current condition, and his nose was really close to Nikolai’s eyes. Then Nick laughed. It was tired, albeit excited laughter.
“I’m taller than youuu,” mused Nick, through another devilish smirk.
“Oh yeah?” mumbled Nikolai, “Only by a couple inches.”

He stood up slightly straighter and true; his eyes stared directly at Nick’s nose. He slumped back down into his comfortable stance and put a slender hand into his pocket.
Nick grinned. “Still makes you have to tilt your head up when I kiss you.”
Nick slyly held Nikolai’s jaw in his hand and tilted his head up slightly. He leant in closer, closer; they each glanced at each other’s eyes and sure enough they slipped shut as their lips touched.
Nick had deepened the kiss before Nikolai could protest, as he assumed he would. Their arms wrapped around one another and for once Nikolai was completely undisturbed by the thought anyone could see them. He kissed back happily and even though he had done this before, he felt that familiar burning on his cheeks.

The enddd.
I hope you enjoyed it =/

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