Jan 08, 2007 02:09
"Chivalry is dead. Feminism killed it."
I'm sure that's been said before, but today I was arguing with someone that chivalry still existed to this day, and how it is still possible to woo a woman over with genuine actions. They didn't believe me, and mentioned how Feministic views are killing off the aspirations of good, honorable men. Speaking that since the words good, honorable, and hell even man are perspective these days, let me elaborate on what I mean when I say that they/we(I consider myself to be someone who tries the good old fashioned honest-nice-guy...approach if you want to call it that. Usually I'm too shy/self-degrading to give myself to muster up the necessary gusto to talk to the opposite sex. I'm 1337-ly picky) are getting killed off by Feminists. Women want to be treated the same as men and I fully respect and admire their determination when it comes to that. But is it only in certain respects? I asked some women and they said no it is not; it is all the way. So then the women that join the ever growing population of Feminists now no longer want to be treated like ladies?
No more opening doors for them?
No more paying for dinners?
No more random gestures of kindness such as compliments, small gifts, etc.?
If I was an asshole, or someone who didn't enjoy the pleasure of women I would revel in these things, because it does take some subconscious effort in order to maintain a...slight sense of dignity(?) around women. But as much as I state to be one and sometimes even display efforts that would validate my claim to asshollery(sounds funny), I do my best to maintain my stance as an affable and courteous gentleman. So it's with slight dismay that now the fruits of my labors will be seen as a negative by a growing number of women, as they might take it as me looking down on them for the sex that they are. I wouldn't even have mentioned this if the few people whom I deem worth of life around here didn't tell me stories of how they tried to be polite and were diverted for being "pigs," and it's discouraging to my hopes of kindness in the future. Now whether they were after a visible alternate motive other than direct artlessness and that's what made the women upset is debateable, but nonetheless the fact that multiple people had similar occurances can't be entirely coincidence, could it?
I support women being strong and independent, but I also think that it is okay for that same woman to be able to let a man be kind to her. I have been told I'm one of the last of a dying breed by a few people now, but does that mean that I should have my guard up and try to fight my inner temptations at chivalry if it means I might suffer negative repercussions? That sounds ludicrous at best; to fear being polite. Help me out, what should I do?
Meh I say.
At the end of that ramble, I recalled on the most unintentionally vicious thing I have ever been told that stung me to this day. I was told I should not use big words. Hah.
Now on to another thought that has been pestering me for a little while. Every single thing in life is viewed through the individual self. While the opinion on the aforementioned can be shared by multiple parties, perception is still one of the only truly unique traits that a person possesses. Many, many things are perspective, from personal definitions of right and wrong, to the taste a certain food exhibits, to the what is moral and what is immoral. One thing that I need to learn, is to broaden my definition of perception; how I view things. If something is not right in my eyes, but in another's is casual or every-day, then instead of being close minded or even psychotic, I should take time to at least attempt to rationalize the situation. Even if to me there is no explanation required or a situation to be qualled and it's just me trying to...understand but failing in my process/attempt to do so. It's perception. Interpretation can highly influence if not directly reflect all to most of your beliefs. You interpret things differently from how your mother, sister, partner, and friends do. You might agree on what something means, but you could have varying paths to acknowledgement. For example I know a tree because of smell, texture, appearance, and memory. When I say 'what is a tree,' you will envision a totally different tree than my tree, because you might have different memories associated with a specific tree, so that's what comes to mind by default. If I went into detail about my tree and my memory you would be able to see it and our views on it could mold together. It's like that with everything.
Interpretions are all based on your emotional and mental constructs, mine of which are lacking if not faulty to say the least. You might not agree when I say that, but yet again, it's in the eye of the beholder, and I have learned in what areas I will triumph, and in what areas I will always be in pursuit of greater accomplishments. You compare this with that, form a conclusion about it, and name the thing you see, based on your conclusions or present understanding of such. The psychological and neurological aspect of perception allows you to label events, situations, people. You form beliefs. Sometimes the labels and beliefs are accurate, sometimes they are not. It can be shocking and in my case sometimes devastating when our perception does not conform to reality and we forced to changed. But change may in fact move us forward, and thus is good.
Where I'm starting to find where one of my main faults lies is within the differences between perception and conception. To conceive is to have an idea, or formulate a thought through due process, whereas perception is how you see something upon impact. I need to spend less time with perception, and more time conceiving, if I am to attain enlightenment. Otherwise, I am destined due to my obscured sense of rationality to automatically take everything to the fullest negative potential and it will only lead to further worse repercussions. So when I hear potentially upsetting news, I need to rationalize before acting.
That is my New Years Resolution. Good day.
Tiddy Bittle - Oh, and for Lightning bolts in Photoshop, make a Gradient (Foreground color black- background colorwhite, Linear), do Filter-Render-Diffrence Clouds, then press Ctrl+I to Inverse the colors, and then Ctrl+L to bring up the Levels window, and then drag the Gray arrow (the middle one) towards the black arrow, untill you get a good looking lightning bold. Drag it on a drawing, set the Blending Mode to Screen and use Color Balance or Hue/Saturation (w/ Colorize on) to color it. This is for me. I have finished up a few strips for my site and they'll be up shortly. I need lightning eventually and after reading many tutorials and asking other artists for advice, I was given that information. Wow..."other" artists. Implying that I myself am one. That felt good to say.