Tonight hasnt been a good night for me, but what else is new. Im sorry now for any miss types i am writin this from my phone. Grrrr really why cant life just hand me a favorable deck just once, i mean i work hard, dp the right things all the time, study, go to school, go to family functions even when they interfer with school.... So why? Why can i not catch a break, seriously who's wheaties did i poison in a pst life to deserve this! Maybe this all seems overly dramatic, but at this poont i have been awake for most 30 hours and am tired but sleep eludes me at the moment... Haha and i have to be up at 7 am tomorrow! I was supposed to dk wedding stuff with the stepmom tomorrow aftrnoon but she forgot and has made othere plans she cant break. I knew not to count on her after she's taken her ambien and had 2 16 oz glasses of wine. She never remembers anything... So as has been par for the wedding course im doing this alone again. I guess i should put this down and try to sleep... haha like that will fing happen!!!! night all
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