
Mar 27, 2010 13:35

While looking through my previous con photos, trying to get an idea of what kind of lens I'd need for that cool stormtrooper dSLR I want, I realized that I've never taken my current camera to a con. So... that's about $600 in camera, lens, batteries and filters that I don't need to spend.

I need to get outside and build out the raised bed with the new cinder blocks I have. I also need to fix the digging damage that Jeter der Vundermutt and assorted squirrels have done to the existing bed. I pulled out the dead blood orange and I don't want to mess with that part too much as I've already got strawberries ripening up in that spot. Guess I'll put the new blood orange in the new section.

Also ordered more seeds today: black bowling ball seedless watermelon, more purple bunching onions, chocolate cherry tomatoes, yellow cherry tomatoes, miniature cucumbers, sweet cherry peppers and a purple bell pepper. And a packet of low growing thyme to see if it'll choke out the weeds up by the curb and make a nice pretty don't-really-need-to-mow-it border to my front yard.

Dropped out of the AU Big Bang. I'm still going to work on the story, but I'm not going to have the time to magically add 12k words (that don't suck) by the deadline. Now to turn my attention back to the art for the Star Trek reversebang. Also the SGA catfight comic strip. And maybe a strip for the convention... with Rodney and John running away in horror from the fangirl horde with Ronon and Teyla laughing at them on the sidelines.

Anyway, off to HubFest as my sister just called to remind me that it was going on right this very minute. Will get to building out the garden bed later.

art, garden, writer's block, vancon'10

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